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Sunday 27 April 2014

Yoghurt in India

Yoghurt in India-Market Report


·         Yoghurt and sour milk drinks posts current value growth of 23% in 2008 to reach Rs5.8 billion
·         Health benefits dominate promotions and positioning
·         Sour milk drinks the strongest performer with current value growth of 26% in 2008
·         Unit price of spoonable yoghurt increases in 2008 in line with global and domestic milk price rises
·         Karnataka Cooperative leads with a 26% value share
·         Yakult enters the Indian market
·         Forecast growth expected to bring strong constant value CAGR of 17%


·         Indians, especially urban Indians, are increasingly becoming more health-conscious about the food they eat and are willing to pay a premium for health benefits. Yoghurt manufacturers, whether dairy co-operatives or private players, have tapped into this trend successfully. Awareness of pro biotic products has also increased in the country, thus aiding the development of pro biotic yoghurt brands. Yoghurt is not a new concept in India and it its health benefits are well known. However, the bulk of yoghurt consumed is prepared at home, offering huge scope for growth for manufacturers as consumers seeking convenience and quality are shifting from the unorganised to the organised market.
·         Current value and volume growth rates of spoonable yoghurt in 2008 were stronger than their respective review period CAGRs, while the volume growth of sour milk drinks was lower than the review period CAGR. As mentioned above, spoonable yoghurt is benefiting from the shift from the unorganised to the organised market. The slowdown for sour milk drinks can be attributed to increased competition from other beverages, both dairy and non-dairy based.
·         Yoghurt is consumed on a regular basis by most Indians and is part of the daily diet in most parts of the country. However, as social structures change and more urban families are becoming nuclear, consumers are switching to the convenience of packaged yoghurt. Packaged yoghurt also offers consistency in quality, which can be sometimes difficult to obtain at home depending on the weather conditions.
·         Yoghurt is sold in two forms in India - either as ‘set’ yoghurt sold in cups, or sold as ‘loose/stirred’ yoghurt packaged in plastic pouches. Packaging adds to the cost, and set yoghurt is almost twice the price of loose/stirred yoghurt. Loose/stirred yoghurt is consumed on a daily basis in South India, and the region accounted for almost 75% of the retail volume sales of spoonable yoghurt in 2006. Set yoghurt, on the other hand, is sold and consumed in North and West India, where it is mostly mixed with sugar and consumed as a dessert. All yoghurt sold in the country was either set or stirred, with no drinking yoghurt brands available as of 2008.
·         As milk procurement costs increased, the unit price of yoghurt, and especially of spoonable yoghurt, increased in 2008. However, the unit price of sour milk drinks did not see such a rapid rise.
·         Soy-based yoghurts are not common in India as awareness of soy milk remains low. Given the easy availability and the nutritional value attached to dairy products, consumers are more used to dairy-based offerings, and thus there was no demand for soy-based yoghurt in 2008.
·         Fruited and flavoured yoghurts are present but have a far lower penetration than plain spoonable yoghurt. Indians traditionally consume plain yoghurt and fruited and flavoured yoghurts do not generally appeal to the Indian palate. On the other hand, shrikhand – a traditional flavoured yoghurt variant – is extremely popular in parts of West and North India. However, most of its sales are in the unorganised market, with the presence of sole national brand Amul from GCMMF in the organised market.
·         Yakult Danone India introduced the first ever RTD pro biotic drink in New Delhi in December 2007. The product is sold by the unique ‘Yakult ladies’ via door-to-door campaigns as well as traditional distribution channels. Mother Dairy expanded its pro biotic portfolio with the launch of Nutrifit, a fermented pro biotic milk available in New Delhi and NCR in April 2008, after the previously successful launch of its b-Activ probiotic curd and lassi. Targeted mainly at children, Nutrifit is available in two flavours - mango and strawberry.
·         Although pro biotic yoghurts have been introduced by Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Ltd and Nestlé India Ltd, their penetration remains very low and they remained niche products in 2008.
·         There is no segmentation by age or gender in yoghurt, but there are regional differences in the manner in which it is consumed. For example, while curd is consumed salty with rice or used in curry preparation, in other parts of the country, such as North and East and Northeast India, curd is eaten with sugar or with other wheat-based rotis or pancakes.

Competitive Landscape

·         Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers Federation Ltd continued to lead retail sales of yoghurt and sour milk drinks in 2007 with its Nandini brand. The brand benefits from being present in the southern state of Karnataka where per capita consumption of yoghurt is very high. Thus, even with a negligible presence in other states of the country, it accounts for over a quarter of total retail value sales in the organised market.
·         Both Karnataka Cooperative and GCMMF improved their share in yoghurt and sour milk drinks in 2007. Mother Dairy also saw strong retail value growth and maintained its share. Growth for Mother Dairy came on the back of increasing demand in urban Delhi, where Mother Dairy is based and has a strong distribution network and loyal consumers.
·         Mother Dairy continued its focus on Delhi and reaped the benefits as urban consumers opted for the convenience of packaged yoghurt. Nestlé India Ltd introduced Nesvita, its pro biotic yoghurt brand, in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Given the niche nature of the product, it is apt that the product was launched in these cities first before a national roll-out.
·         As yoghurt and sour milk drinks can be considered emerging dairy categories, there were no major advertising campaigns implemented by leading players such as Karnataka Cooperative or GCMMF. Advertising for most co-operatives was restricted mainly to print advertisements in newspapers.
·         There are two formats of yoghurt available - loose/stirred yoghurt and set yoghurt. Loose/stirred yoghurt is sold in plastic pouches and is considered a standard mass-market product. On the other hand, typically set yoghurt is sold in cups, is priced higher and considered premium. The co-operatives enjoy better milk procurement and as such their brands are cheaper than the more premium offerings of private players like Nestlé.
·         There were no private label brands in yoghurt and sour milk drinks in India in 2008.
·         Japanese pro biotics manufacturer Yakult entered the Indian market in 2008 with a 50:50 joint venture with French food major Danone. Yakult Danone India has set up a Rs1,360 million factory in Haryana, and has set a target of selling one million bottles a day by 2010.
·         Domestic players dominate short shelf life yoghurt. Nestlé and Yakult are the only multinational players in yoghurt in India, with all others being domestic manufacturers. With the short shelf life of traditionally consumed curd, it was necessary that the processing facility was located close to consumers. The state-level dairy co-operatives benefit in this regard. However, both GCMMF and Nestlé are present across the country unlike the state-level cooperatives.
·         Yoghurt and sour milk drinks did not see any major acquisitions or divestments over 2007-2008. With state-level dairy cooperatives such as GCMMF and Karnataka Cooperative having dairy farmers as members, these are generally not considered to be on a par with players such as Nestlé, Heritage Foods (India) Ltd, etc in terms of company equity.


·         Plain spoonable and plain stirred yoghurt are likely to remain the mainstay of yoghurt even though rising health consciousness may help niche products like pro biotic yoghurt to develop at a greater rate in leading metropolitan areas.
·         Yoghurt volume sales are likely to increase thanks to new product developments and promotional activities. An increasing number of consumers are predicted to move away from preparing yoghurt at home, choosing to buy it instead. As a result, spoonable yoghurt is expected to post a volume CAGR of 16% over the forecast period. Although growing from a smaller base and thereby open to higher growth prospects, sour milk drinks is not expected to maintain its review period CAGR of 25%, instead posting a lower volume CAGR of 16% due to growing competition from both other dairy and non-dairy based beverages.
·         With mounting upward price pressure being felt across milk products, yoghurt too is expected to see unit prices rise unless costs stabilise. A steep price hike would, however, benefit local unorganised markets.
·         A sharp rise in the price of yoghurt would be a threat as some consumers would switch to the unorganised market as well as homemade products. Sour milk drinks will continue to be threatened by other dairy/fruit-based beverages.
·         The unit prices of yoghurt and sour drinks are expected to increase over the forecast period much like the review period. With the highly fragmented competitive environment and consumer loyalty for most brands already established, discounting is unlikely to be used.
·         The rising health consciousness in urban areas may act as the perfect backdrop for the launch of pro biotic yoghurt and sour milk drinks. Based on the success of these brands, more players are likely to enter this niche category.

Sector Data

                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Drinking yoghurt                                                 -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
    (million litres)                                                                                                                                                                          
Spoonable Yoghurt ('000                         112.1              122.1              133.7              150.0              172.3              200.3
Yoghurt (not calculable)                                    -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Drinking yoghurt                                                 -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Spoonable Yoghurt                               2,637.0          2,886.0          3,175.6          3,604.4          4,511.1          5,520.9
Yoghurt                                                    2,637.0          2,886.0          3,175.6          3,604.4          4,511.1          5,520.9
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% volume growth
                                                                                                             2007/08        2003-08 CAGR       2003/08 TOTAL

Drinking yoghurt                                                                                             -                                   -                                   -
Spoonable Yoghurt                                                                                 16.3                            12.3                            78.7
Yoghurt                                                                                                             -                                   -                                   -
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% current value growth
                                                                                                             2007/08        2003-08 CAGR       2003/08 TOTAL

Drinking yoghurt                                                                                             -                                   -                                   -
Spoonable Yoghurt                                                                                 22.4                            15.9                          109.4
Yoghurt                                                                                                      22.4                            15.9                          109.4
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% value analysis
                                                                                                        Soy-based              Dairy-based                           Total

Yoghurt                                                                                                             -                          100.0                          100.0
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

                                                                                               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

                                                                                               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Company                                                                             2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

Karnataka Cooperative                                                      22.5                22.5                25.5                26.0                26.5
    Milk Producers                                                                                                                                                                        
    Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                                         
Gujarat Co-operative                                                          11.0                11.0                12.5                13.8                15.0
    Milk Marketing                                                                                                                                                                         
    Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                                         
Tamil Nadu Cooperative                                                      8.5                  9.0                  9.0                  9.0                  9.0
    Milk Producers                                                                                                                                                                        
    Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                                         
Nestlé India Ltd                                                                      8.5                  8.5                  8.5                  8.7                  9.0
Kerala Cooperative Milk                                                       7.5                  8.0                  8.0                  8.0                  7.5
    Marketing Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                      
Mother Dairy Fruit &                                                              6.5                  6.0                  6.0                  7.4                  7.5
    Vegetable Ltd                                                                                                                                                                          
Orissa State                                                                            1.0                  2.0                  2.5                  2.6                  2.6
    Cooperative Milk                                                                                                                                                                    
    Producers Federation                                                                                                                                                            
    Ltd, The                                                                                                                                                                                    
Andhra Pradesh Dairy                                                          2.0                  2.0                  2.0                  2.0                  2.0
    Development Cooperative                                                                                                                                                   
    Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                                         
Heritage Foods (India)                                                          2.0                  2.0                  2.0                  1.8                  1.8
Bihar State Co-                                                                       1.5                  1.4                  1.6                  1.7                  1.7
    operative Milk                                                                                                                                                                          
    Producers Federation Ltd                                                                                                                                                     
Others                                                                                    29.0                27.6                22.4                19.0                17.4
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2004               2005               2006               2007

Nandini                                          Karnataka Cooperative                      22.5                25.5                26.0                26.5
                                                        Milk Producers                                                                                                                    
                                                        Federation Ltd                                                                                                                     
Amul                                              Gujarat Co-operative                          11.0                12.5                13.8                15.0
                                                        Milk Marketing                                                                                                                     
                                                        Federation Ltd                                                                                                                     
Aavin                                              Tamil Nadu Cooperative                      9.0                  9.0                  9.0                  9.0
                                                        Milk Producers                                                                                                                    
                                                        Federation Ltd                                                                                                                     
Fresh'n' Natural Dahi                  Nestlé India Ltd                                          -                       -                  8.7                  9.0
Milma                                             Kerala Cooperative Milk                       8.0                  8.0                  8.0                  7.5
                                                        Marketing Federation Ltd                                                                                                  
Mother Dairy                                 Mother Dairy Fruit &                              6.0                  6.0                  7.4                  7.5
                                                        Vegetable Ltd                                                                                                                      
Omfed                                           Orissa State                                            2.0                  2.5                  2.6                  2.6
                                                        Cooperative Milk                                                                                                                
                                                        Producers Federation                                                                                                        
                                                        Ltd, The                                                                                                                                
Vijaya                                             Andhra Pradesh Dairy                          2.0                  2.0                  2.0                  2.0
                                                        Development Cooperative                                                                                               
                                                        Federation Ltd                                                                                                                     
Heritage                                        Heritage Foods (India) Ltd                   2.0                  2.0                  1.8                  1.8
Sudha                                            Bihar State Co-                                       1.4                  1.6                  1.7                  1.7
                                                        operative Milk                                                                                                                      
                                                        Producers Federation Ltd                                                                                                 
Dahi                                               Nestlé India Ltd                                      8.5                  8.5                       -                       -
Others                                                                                                            27.6                22.4                19.0                17.4
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

                                                                       2008               2009               2010               2011               2012               2013

Drinking yoghurt                                                 -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
    (million litres)                                                                                                                                                                          
Spoonable Yoghurt ('000                         200.3              235.0              277.8              323.4              372.9              424.8
Yoghurt (not calculable)                                    -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2008               2009               2010               2011               2012               2013

Drinking yoghurt                                                 -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Spoonable Yoghurt                               5,520.9          6,581.0          7,768.7          9,093.5        10,538.9        12,100.2
Yoghurt                                                    5,520.9          6,581.0          7,768.7          9,093.5        10,538.9        12,100.2
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% volume growth
                                                                                                             2012/13        2008-13 CAGR       2008/13 TOTAL

Drinking yoghurt                                                                                             -                                   -                                   -
Spoonable Yoghurt                                                                                 13.9                            16.2                          112.1
Yoghurt                                                                                                             -                                   -                                   -
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% constant value growth
                                                                                                            2008-13 CAGR                                 2008/13 TOTAL

Drinking yoghurt                                                                                                         -                                                             -
Spoonable Yoghurt                                                                                             17.0                                                    119.2
Yoghurt                                                                                                                  17.0                                                    119.2
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates