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Sunday 27 April 2014

Wound Treatments in India

Wound Treatments in India-Market Report


·         Wound treatment value sales reached Rs193 million in 2008. Other wound treatments, such as crepe bandages, gauze and surgical tapes, grew by 10% in current value terms, compared to 7% growth for sticking plasters. However, in actual terms, sticking plasters made the greater contribution to sales growth, as the larger subsector.
·         The overall wound treatments sector grew by 8% in current value terms in 2008, compared to 7% growth in 2007. This marginal acceleration in growth was due to consumers starting to believe that branded products from companies such as Johnson & Johnson Ltd deliver greater efficacy and are of better quality than unbranded ones that are mainly sold in government and rural clinics.
·         Johnson & Johnson Ltd dominates wound treatments, capturing a 71% share in value terms in 2008. This is mainly due to Band Aid, which enjoys a strong brand image and is present in many Indian households. Johnson & Johnson Ltd is followed by Beiersdorf India Ltd, with an 18% value share, through brands such as Hansaplast and Leukocrepe. Both companies saw marginal increases in their overall shares in 2008.
·         The wound treatments sector sees a fair amount of competition from unbranded products in both sticking plasters and other wound treatments. These products are mainly present in rural India, and come in the form of rudimentary tapes and gauzes. To counter this threat, companies have stepped up their rural marketing efforts with the aim of raising brand awareness. For example, doctors in rural areas are shown samples of branded products and company representatives explain their advantages over unbranded ones.
·         In December 2007, Beiersdorf India Ltd launched a brand extension to Hansaplast, called Hansaplast Silver Healing. The product contains silver ions, which act as an additional antiseptic. Although the scope for product differentiation is limited in wound treatments, companies will try to introduce brand variants that promise greater efficacy and medicinal properties to heal wounds and injuries faster.
·         The forecast period is expected to see growth of 20% in sales of wound treatments in constant value terms. The bulk of this growth is likely to come from consumers in rural areas, who will benefit from increased spending power due to rising incomes. Single-unit packs priced at Rs1-2 will spur product trial among rural consumers. Since wounds and injuries compulsorily need to be treated when they happen, consumers are expected to continue purchasing wound treatment products in 2009 as well, in spite of the economic downturn in the country. As a result, growth in 2009, will be marginally higher than that witnessed in 2008.

Sector Data

Rs million
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Wound treatments                                 1,314.7          1,432.8          1,552.0          1,671.5          1,791.3          1,941.1
Sticking plasters                                        966.8          1,050.1          1,134.2          1,217.3          1,300.4          1,401.8
Other wound treatments                          347.9              382.7              417.9              454.2              490.9              539.3
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% current value growth
                                                                                                             2007/08        2003-08 CAGR       2003/08 TOTAL

Wound treatments                                                                                     8.4                              8.1                            47.6
Sticking plasters                                                                                         7.8                              7.7                            45.0
Other wound treatments                                                                           9.9                              9.2                            55.0
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Company                                                                             2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Johnson & Johnson Ltd                                                     70.4                70.3                70.8                70.7                70.9
Beiersdorf India Ltd                                                            18.4                18.4                18.4                18.0                18.3
Others                                                                                    11.2                11.3                10.8                11.4                10.9
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2005               2006               2007               2008

Band-Aid                                       Johnson & Johnson Ltd                     59.2                59.0                58.8                58.5
Dynacrepe                                    Johnson & Johnson Ltd                     10.8                11.4                11.5                11.8
Hansaplast                                   Beiersdorf India Ltd                            11.7                11.7                11.3                11.3
Leukocrepe                                  Beiersdorf India Ltd                               6.7                  6.8                  6.7                  6.9
Johnson's                                      Johnson & Johnson Ltd                        0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.5
Others                                                                                                            11.3                10.8                11.4                10.9
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2008               2009               2010               2011               2012               2013

Wound treatments                                 1,941.1          2,028.5          2,112.1          2,191.4          2,265.8          2,336.0
Sticking plasters                                     1,401.8          1,457.6          1,510.4          1,560.8          1,608.0          1,652.7
Other wound treatments                          539.3              570.9              601.7              630.6              657.9              683.3
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% constant value growth
                                                                                                            2008-13 CAGR                                 2008/13 TOTAL

Wound treatments                                                                                                 3.8                                                      20.3
Sticking plasters                                                                                                     3.3                                                      17.9
Other wound treatments                                                                                       4.8                                                      26.7
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates