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Sunday 27 April 2014

Mobile Phones in India

Mobile Phones in India


Mobile Phones Market India


·         In 2007, retail sales of handsets grew by 39.6% in volume terms, and 27.0% in value terms, over their 2006 levels.
·         The service provider Reliance has begun to advertise its private label Reliance Classic actively, and it has become a significant player.
·         Sales of handsets increased by 25.2 million units over their 2006 level in 2007.
·         The average unit price in 2007 was Rs 2,808, down by Rs 281 from 2006.
·         Nokia is the dominant player in the Indian retail market for handsets, with a 53.6% share in 2006.
·         Volume sales are forecast to reach 304.3 million by 2012, at a CAGR of 28.0% during 2007–2012.


·         Personal ownership of mobile phones in India is increasing dramatically.  Household penetration has grown from 8.0% in 2005 to an estimated 19.5% in 2007, although this remains low by international standards, indicating significant potential for future growth from first-time users.  At the same time, the replacement cycle has become shorter.  About 65% of mobile phone users change their handset every two years, so the size of the replacement market for phones was about 35 million units in 2007.  Industry estimates point to an estimated 15% of users who now report changing their handsets every six months.
·         The handset has now become a status symbol in India, and style and design are also playing influential roles in consumers’ decision-making.  Feature-rich phones, with mp3, radio and camera functions, are taken for granted and the upper-end user is looking for something more.  LG Shine and Motorola phones have been widely accepted on grounds of style.
·         Sales of smart phones are also growing at an above-average rate.  They have eaten into the traditional PDA market, which is now on the decline, as business users prefer a voice-enabled digital device.
·         The strong growth in advanced mobile phones has slowed down growth in the sales of other products, such as portable mp3 players, digital cameras and radios, in the mass market.  Instead of buying 3 mp digital cameras, consumers will opt to upgrade their phones to camera phones.
·         3G handsets are now being sold in India, although 3G networks are not prevalent in the GSM networks.  CDMA networks like Reliance and Tata Indicom have moved to CDMA 2000, which is a 3G system.  This led to growth in the market for these phones during 2006–2007.
·         With a strong replacement market, the handset-only segment is very significant in India.  As handset prices fall, and competition between service providers grows, bundled product + service offers are now being seen more frequently in the advertising media.
·         The average unit price fell by just over 50% between 2004 and 2007, when it stood below Rs 3,000.  While consumers are upgrading their phones, there is also a strong in decline in the prices of like-for-like phones.  Colour phones have become the default minimum.
·         In 2007, an estimated 100,000 outlets were selling mobile phones in India, and the vast majority were independents, although there has been strong growth in sales of mobile phones, accessories and recharge cards through chain stores since 2006. In 1998, 75% of retail sales of handsets were made through telecoms operators’ outlets, but their share had fallen to 42% by 2007, as mobile phone specialists outlets spread across the country, ranging from small, hole-in-the-wall outlets to larger, customer-friendly stores.  The large chains of stores are Subhiksha Mobile, with 500 stores, The MobileStore, with close to 250 and , as well as the Future Group’s ConvergeM outlets, which are like shops-in-shops within its big hypermarkets.

Competitive Landscape

·         Nokia dominates the Indian market in mobile phones with a 53.6% volume share in 2006.  With a manufacturing base within the country, and reliable, trouble-free phones, the brand has a high level of awareness, familiarity and loyalty in the country.
·         All the leading brands – including Nokia, LG, Motorola and Sony Ericsson – are actively promoting their products in the mass media, and are advertising either their top-of-the-line aspirational models or their low-cost, mass market handsets.
·         mp3 is a highly advertised feature, along with ringtones and wallpapers.  Nokia has associated itself with music events such as rock concerts, carrying special promotional ringtones or phone-in/SMS contests.
·         Vodafone, the British telecoms company, entered the Indian market in 2007, by buying a majority stake in Hutchison Essar.  The network service has already been switched from Hutchison to Vodafone, and a massive rebranding exercise has been under way, nationwide, since September 2007.  The company’s marketing efforts include bundled phone+service offers and low-cost handsets under the Vodafone label.


·         It is anticipated that more than 1 billion handsets will be sold in India during the forecast period, driven by strong replacement sales, together with growth into new areas fuelled by growth in telecoms services.
·         The expected growth has attracted 30 players who have reportedly bid  300 applications for an additional 23 zones in order to operate mobile networks.
·         The Indian government is expected to hold an auction for the 3G spectrum by 2008.  Once this is released, growth of 3G handsets will be higher, as service providers advertise and promote the benefits of a 3G network.
·         Private labels are likely to lead to a reduction in retail prices, as phone manufacturers offer cheap handsets to service providers.  While Reliance is already established in this private label segment, Tata Indicom and Vodafone also entered the fray in 2007..trend towards labelling phones with the names of service providers will also lead to a growth in the sales of bundled phones, as opposed to the phone only handsets that currently dominate the market.  Price reductions will make mobile phones affordable to a greater number of Indians, and boost the market for first-time users.
·         At the other end, consumers seeking to replace their existing handsets with more recent models equipped with high-end features are looking for more features and better connectivity.  The government’s release of extra spectrum will improve the quality of service, and also allow for the provision of more data-driven services.  GSM operators will also offer 3G platforms, which will increase the demand for 3G handsets during the forecast period.  Demand for feature-rich handsets will be greater, as will the demand for games and Internet capability.
·         Manufacturers will use their high-end phones to drive sales towards their brands, while at the same time making OE deals with private labels for the mass market.  Co-branding of products is also a possibility, especially for strong brands like Nokia, Motorola, Sony and LG.
·         More manufacturers will set up manufacturing units in the country, to cater to the large demand quickly and cheaply.

Sector Data

'000 units
                                                                       2002               2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

Mobile phones                                       4,087.4        15,956.2        18,882.0        35,140.4        63,408.1        88,608.7
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% volume growth
                                                                                                             2006/07        2002-07 CAGR       2002/07 TOTAL

Mobile phones                                                                                         39.7                            85.0                      2,067.8
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2002               2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

Mobile phones                                     20,602.0        80,886.0      107,958.2      113,870.8      195,860.4      248,820.5
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% current value growth
                                                                                                             2006/07        2002-07 CAGR       2002/07 TOTAL

Mobile phones                                                                                         27.0                            64.6                      1,107.8
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% units
                                                                       2002               2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

1G                                                                     0.0                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
2G                                                                   90.0                48.0                35.0                22.0                12.0                  5.0
3G                                                                     0.0                  1.0                  2.0                  4.0                  8.0                20.0
4G                                                                     0.0                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Other                                                              10.0                51.0                63.0                74.0                80.0                75.0
Total                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail volume
Company                                                                             2002               2003               2004               2005               2006

Nokia India Pvt Ltd                                                              26.9                31.0                53.1                56.2                53.6
LG Electronics India Ltd                                                     23.5                33.3                14.3                17.2                11.2
Motorola India Pvt Ltd                                                               -                  2.4                  4.3                  5.0                10.8
Samsung India                                                                    26.5                13.2                10.2                  7.1                  5.9
    Electronics Ltd                                                                                                                                                                        
Sony Ericsson Mobile                                                               -                       -                  3.2                  4.3                  5.6
    Communications AB                                                                                                                                                             
Kyocera Wireless India                                                             -                  0.7                  1.1                  0.7                  0.7
Huawei Technologies Co                                                         -                       -                       -                  0.7                  0.7
Pantech & Curitel                                                                       -                       -                  0.7                  0.6                  0.6
    Communications Inc                                                                                                                                                             
Others                                                                                    23.1                19.4                13.1                  8.2                10.9
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail volume
Brand                                             Company                                             2003               2004               2005               2006

Nokia                                             Nokia India Pvt Ltd                              31.0                53.1                56.2                53.6
LG                                                   LG Electronics India Ltd                     33.3                14.3                17.2                11.2
Motorola                                        Motorola India Pvt Ltd                           2.4                  4.3                  5.0                10.8
Samsung                                      Samsung India                                    13.2                10.2                  7.1                  5.9
                                                        Electronics Ltd                                                                                                                    
Sony Ericsson                              Sony Ericsson Mobile                               -                  3.2                  4.3                  5.6
                                                        Communications AB                                                                                                         
Kyocera                                         Kyocera Wireless India                         0.7                  1.1                  0.7                  0.7
Huawei                                          Huawei Technologies Co Ltd                  -                       -                  0.7                  0.7
Pantech                                         Pantech & Curitel                                       -                  0.7                  0.6                  0.6
                                                        Communications Inc                                                                                                         
Others                                                                                                            19.4                13.1                  8.2                10.9
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail volume
                                                                       2002               2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

Store-based retailing                                100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0                99.9              100.0
Supermarkets                                                 0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Hypermarkets                                                 0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Discounters                                                     0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Non-grocery retailers                                  46.0                46.0                49.0                55.0                55.0                58.0
Mixed retailers                                                0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Durable goods retailers                             46.0                46.0                49.0                55.0                55.0                58.0
Other store-based                                       54.0                54.0                51.0                45.0                44.9                42.0
Non-store retailing                                         0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.1                  0.0
Home shopping                                             0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Internet retailing                                             0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.1                  0.0
Direct selling                                                   0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0                  0.0
Total                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

'000 units
                                                                       2007               2008               2009               2010               2011               2012

Mobile phones                                     88,608.7      116,077.4      149,739.9      190,918.3      242,084.5      304,300.2
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% volume growth
                                                                                                             2011/12        2007-12 CAGR       2007/12 TOTAL

Mobile phones                                                                                         25.7                            28.0                          243.4
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2007               2008               2009               2010               2011               2012

Mobile phones                                   248,820.5      325,954.8      420,481.7      536,114.1      679,792.7      854,499.5
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% constant value growth
                                                                                                            2007-12 CAGR                                 2007/12 TOTAL

Mobile phones                                                                                                     28.0                                                    243.4
Source:           Official statistics, trade associations, trade press, company research, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates