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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Evolution of the Indian IT Industry

Evolution of the Indian IT Industry

Over the years, the Indian IT industry has gradually moved up the value chain and has positioned itself as a global player in the IT industry worldwide. Its progress can be described in the following three phases.

Phase I (1985-95)

During this period, the IT industry was still at a nascent stage of development, and the industry size was not substantial either. The IT industry consisted of several start-up projects that offered application development and maintenance services to some of the Fortune 100 companies, with a peak contract-size of less than $5 million. The industry's export services mainly involved the sending of technical manpower onsite. During this period, low cost service offerings were the main value proposition that the Indian industry offered to its customers. Most companies perceived themselves as small exporters to the US.

Phase II (1995-00)

This period was characterised by high industry growth rate, with the industry-size increasing to just under $1 billion. Companies offered services in the areas of e-business, ERP and Y2K to a large base of Fortune 500 companies. The top five companies increased their share, and the small and medium sized enterprises (SME) also witnessed high growth rates. The peak contract size reached $5 million dollars, and high-quality and improved productivity were value propositions that the industry offered customers. The perception of companies underwent a change from being just small exporters to being software service providers.

Phase III (2001 onwards)

In 2008, the IT industry (excluding hardware) touched the $52.1 billion mark, with growth coming in mostly from the mid-size companies, and top five companies further expanding their presence. The peak contract value reached the $800 million mark. Currently, the clientele of Indian companies constitute the top 2,000 corporations of the world. Indian companies have increased their presence in different service-lines such as systems integration, network management, packaged software implementation and areas of products and technological services. Even though the thrust has been mainly towards providing offshore services, onsite services also form a part of the service offering. Security, data protection and process management have become the primary industry values to customers.

Companies are focused on providing lifecycle solutions, with offshore development serving as the competitive edge. Indian players have positioned themselves as high-quality and low-cost solution providers, besides establishing their credibility in project management. Indian companies have been expanding their presence in areas such as IT consulting and IT outsourcing, while moving up the value chain. The top five companies of the Indian IT industry are aiming at being ranked among the global league of service providers. The industry is expecting the offshore delivery model to succeed, as the peak contract-size is likely to reach the $1 billion mark.


In terms of quality too, Indian companies have moved up the ladder. Earlier, companies generally focused on work products, which gradually evolved into process improvement, and ultimately project orientation took root. Indian companies were quick to align their quality management systems (QMS) with the ISO 9000 standards. This ensured consistent and orderly execution of customer engagements and provided a framework for measurable improvement. The next stage was associated with a focus on software engineering, which was often achieved by aligning the QMS with the capability maturity model (CMM) framework, coupled with undergoing one or more assessments at increasing levels of maturity. This process has led to a situation where India has far more Software Engineering Institute (SEI) CMM Level 5 companies than any other country in the world. Quality has become a differentiator for the country and it has moved from low cost and low quality to medium cost and high quality.