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Saturday 10 May 2014

Consumer Electronics Market in Turkey

Consumer Electronics Market in Turkey-Dissertation Writing Help

Executive Summary

Global Crisis and the Turkish Economy

Turkey’s political and macroeconomic stability has improved under the AKP government, which was returned for a second term in the elections of 2007 with an increased share of the vote.

The Turkish economy has been slowing down, however, because of global economic difficulties. The overall growth rate in 2008 was affected by the global economic slow-down, and the consumer electronics market therefore showed a slight decline in 2008 relative to 2007. Despite the economic fluctuations, sales of digital TVs are still increasing rapidly while those of all other digital products are increasing rather slowly. Sales of analogue products declined by almost 50% relative to the previous year.

Digitisation of Consumer Electronics Products

The digitisation of consumer electronics products has led to a convergence of technologies between previously distinct market segments. Digitisation, miniaturisation and mobility are the key factors influencing the market’s performance.

Digitisation transformed the sector by delivering a range of new and exciting products that have changed consumers’ behaviour. Producers and retailers are keeping pace with the digitisation process in order to meet the needs of the consumer electronics market.

New-generation Mobile Phones

With more than 65 million subscribers at the end of 2008, mobile phones have become the fastest-growing sector in consumer electronics within Turkey. New-generation technologies, the 3G tendering process and number portability all led to growth in the mobile phones market in 2008.

The incorporation of radios, mp3 and mp4 players, digital cameras and Internet connectivity into mobile phones have led to handsets being used as portable devices including all services in one. The demand for palm and pocket PCs was effectively destroyed by the launch of smart phones on the market towards the end of 2008. Low-pixel digital cameras and portable radio players are also facing competition from the new mobile phones.

Foreign Investments Entered the Turkish Market

Turkey received a windfall of foreign direct investment during 2005–2008 because of the high levels of global liquidity and a period of domestic political and economic stability. The Turkish consumer electronics market continues to be raided by foreign players, and especially by durable goods retailers. Following the entry of Darty and Media Markt to the Turkish market, Electro World opened its first store in Turkey in 2007, while the US-based Best Buy is planning to open a store by mid-2009 and to expand its Turkish operation in 2010.

All these durable goods retailers have plans to expand within Turkey, and it is expected that each of them will be operating 20 outlets by 2011.

Constant Growth Expected in Consumer Electronics Market

Sales of some products declined significantly during the review period, as digital products displaced analogue models, and this process is set to continue. Subsectors displaying strong growth during the forecast period will be laptops, mobile phones, digital TVs and digital cameras, while sales of analogue products will continue to fall.

Because of global economic stagnation, however, growth rates of sales are expected to be lower than they were during the review period.

Key Trends and Developments

Competition in Distribution Escalates

Both large- and small-format foreign retailers have shown increasing interest in Turkey. Companies operating in the retail sector of the Turkish electronics market are competing both to open more stores and to offer the lowest prices in response to the foreign companies’ aggressive marketing strategies. Domestic electronics brands such as Vatan, Teknosa and Gold entered the price war following the entry of the foreign-based Darty, Media Markt and Electro World.

Darty opened its first store in Turkey in 2006 and was operating six by the end of 2008. The company plans to open 14 stores within Turkey and reach 20 stores in coming years. Following Darty, Media Markt entered the Turkish market in September 2007 and opened seven stores during its first seven months in the Turkish market. On the other hand Electro World opened its first store at the end of 2007 and was operating five within seven months of its opening in Turkey.


Overall GDP growth is a clear driver of expansion of both retail and consumer sales. The main factors attracting suppliers into this sector are the potential future market presented by a large and growing population, Turkey’s large cities, the local population’s increasing purchasing power and the unsaturated nature of the consumer electronics market.

There has been significant foreign direct investment in this sector during 2006–2008, and there are strong indications that foreign retailers remain interested in possible investments in the Turkish consumer electronics market.

Current impact

There is a booming consumer market in Turkey, with growing demand for modern retail outlets and shopping centres. Modernisation of traditional retailers and the increasing penetration of modern retailers are excluding some traditional retailers from the market and reducing the overall size of the sector.

These stores are providing consumers with a wider choice of brands at lower prices. Consumers can now view and touch the products before purchasing them.

Sales of laptops, digital TVs and mobile phones through these retail chains are growing.

Future impact

There will be an increase in the number of retailers offering consumer electronics products. Since modern retailers are increasing their market shares at the expense of traditional retailers, these new players are planning to open more stores in Turkey’s major cities.

Moreover new players are planning to enter the Turkish consumer electronics market in 2009–2010. The largest US consumer electronics chain, Best Buy Co., is planning to open stores in Turkey by 2009, and Circuit City, Radio Shack and CompUSA are also intending to enter the Turkish market soon.

High-volume products such as mobile phones, digital cameras, digital TVs and laptops are likely to see increased sales.

Striking Popularity of Smart Phones

The use of mobile phones has become integrated into the daily lives of millions of consumers. Since smart phones entered the Turkish market, they have started to gain acceptance among consumers, who regard the smart phone as an all-in-one phone with a camera, radio, mp3 player and Internet connectivity. On the other hand smart phones have effectively destroyed the demand for PDAs, since they have Internet, mp3, GPS and Bluetooth capabilities.

Current impact

All brands of mobile phones had already launched their smart phones before the 3G tender, following Apple’s launch of the iPhone in the Turkish market at the end of 2008. They sold around 600,000 smart phones in Turkey in 2007, when the operators offered no support for 3G, and sales of smart phones increased in the fourth quarter of 2008, once the 3G technology became available to users and following the implementation of number portability.

The iPhone 3G has had an enormous impact on the smart phones market. Nokia has maintained its lead by a considerable margin but RIM, HTC, Samsung and Apple are all now competing for market share.


Mobile phone operating charges have come down enormously and Skype and other Internet-based calls are free. Since people can now keep in touch at much lower cost, consumers now purchase smart phones instead of conventional models in order to benefit from these features.

The Turkish Telecom ran a very aggressive marketing campaign in 2008, promoting use of land lines on account of the high private communications tax charged when people use their mobile phones. The government plans to reduce this private communications tax in 2009, however, which will have a positive effect on the market.

Future impact

Sales of smart phones are likely to grow substantially in the coming years. New product developments, especially the launches of 3G technology and number portability, will drive the sales of smart phones and encourage people to replace their standard mobile phones. It is expected that the 3G technology will be fully operational in June 2009.

The prices of smart phones will fall on account of the increased competition between brands. All operators are expected to run very aggressive promotional campaigns which will bring more dynamism to this market segment.

Demand for New Technologies

The younger generation, including even preteens aged 8–12, are able to affect the consumer electronics market, especially in the mobile phones, mp3 players and computers sectors, since many households’ purchasing decisions are much influenced by the opinions of their younger members. Because of the younger population’s interest in new technologies, they are replacing their desktops, Walkmans and Discmans, etc. with digital products such as laptops, mp3 players and HDTVs. Large multinational companies such as Sony, Panasonic, LG and Samsung continue to dominate the markets in digital products.

Many products remain inaccessible to some parts of the population because of their high prices, but durable goods retailers are developing new marketing strategies based on reducing unit prices to make these products more affordable to more consumers.

Current impact

Technological advances and innovative products are some of the leading factors in the success of the major consumer electronics players. As digital technology takes over, older technologies, including CRT televisions and analogue cameras, are becoming outdated. Growing consumer demand for digital products increased the overall sales of consumer electronics products, despite the countervailing decline in sales of analogue products.

This trend has had a major effect in portable consumer electronics, and especially in the mobile phones, laptops and media players subsectors, but HDTVs and DVD players (including those with blu-ray technology) within in-home consumer electronics are also affected. Because of the transition to digital technologies, domestic manufacturers are now focusing on switching their product portfolios from analogue to digital.


The rapid pace of change in consumer trends, together with invasion of low-priced minor brands from Asia, has forced the market’s leading players to increase their investment in new product development. The growth in demand for digital products was strong in the review period and this is expected to continue in the forecast period. High demand and a large number of distributors and manufacturers in the consumer electronics market are forcing a decline in their unit prices.

Companies understand the importance of producing low-cost products in order to gain a larger consumer base. Digital products are expected to become increasingly popular on account of their lower costs and the younger population’s interest in replacing older products with the newer ones that are appearing on the market.

Future impact

The emergence of new products and the growing effects of innovation are increasingly attracting early adopters of new technologies to the market. Consumers are paying more attention to the products’ latest and most sophisticated features and to the slimmer and more compact styles offered by recent technologies. Since new technologies find an increasing demand and are being introduced quickly to the market, it is to be expected that consumers will spend more on digital products because of their continued desire to replace older or analogue products.

The digital consumer electronics market is far from saturated in Turkey, so it will expand with the growing popularity of these products.

Second Tier of Consumer Electronics Retailers

As technology is rapidly developing, the market in consumer electronics products is growing on a daily basis in every city in Turkey. Apart from the major players like Darty, Teknosa and Media Markt, there are domestic retailers in cities where these major durable goods retailers have no outlets. The suburbs of big cities and other cities in Anatolia contain many potential consumers of these products, and this second tier of consumer electronics retailers is focusing on this customer group.

Current impact

The growth of domestic second-tier players is rather notable. These durable goods retailers differ from the major chains in that they provide consumers with lower-priced products and focus on regions in which the bigger players do not intend to invest, such as cities on the Black Sea coast or in central Anatolia.

These players are nevertheless offering flexibility in payment terms, promotional devices, discount prices and good after-sales service.

There are about 500 small durable goods retailers in Turkey’s different regions, apart from the well-known retailers such as Mavi Bilgisayar, Teleses, Teknolojix and TeknoMobil. Some of them operate under a franchise system.


The products that sold most strongly are laptops and mobile phones, followed by digital cameras, HDTVs and portable media players.

The revenue of smaller durable goods retailers reached almost US$1 billion in 2008 and the widespread adoption of products was quite striking. This trend is expected to continue and remain strong on account of the unsaturated market conditions in smaller cities and suburbs. In addition, all these new durable goods retailers plan to invest further in opening more stores in various cities within the country in order to reach more consumers and benefit from these market conditions.

Future impact

These durable goods retailers are planning to expand their operations, by opening more stores in more cities in the medium and long term.

The adoption of more electronics products by this new target group of consumers will affect their overall penetration rates and replacement cycles, since the current penetration rates in these areas are very low. As more consumers encounter such technology, more people will benefit from using the new products.

Unit Prices Decrease

The rising affluence and lifestyle changes of urban families in Turkey have led to the emergence of a new class of consumers with greater spending power. The rise in consumer spending power is driving the growth of sales in the consumer electronics market.

Some segments of consumer electronics products are very dependent on imports into Turkey which may be affected by the exchange rate. The YTL was strengthening against the dollar over the review period, so the unit prices faced by Turkish consumers were falling.

Current impact

Turkey’s purchasing power has been increasing in dollar terms, which enabled consumers to buy and spend more in 2008 than in previous years until the emergence of the current economic crisis. Even during the crisis, however, many durable goods retailers fixed the foreign exchange rate at a particular level in order to offset the potential decline in their sales. Demographic trends, urbanisation and busier lifestyles are all increasing consumers’ demand for mobile tools. While the industry has responded by providing new and innovative products, the consumer electronics market has been marked by the emergence of intense competition.

The retail prices of laptops, HDTVs, digital cameras and portable media players have all seen significant declines in their prices as a result of the fall in the dollar.


The dollar regained its 2001 level in October 2008 but the continued uncertainty is affecting the market. Following the modernisation and restructuring of the Turkish economy during this period following the previous serious crisis in 2001, however, Turkey was in a good position to face the global economic crisis of 2008.

People can see a wider variety of branded products, including those of minor brands that carry lower price tags. The growing demand is encouraging the entry of new players, new brands and new retailers into the market and thus leading to an intensification of competition. As the competition becomes more severe, prices tend to stay at the minimum level.

The trend is expected to develop under conditions of uncertainty. While the YTL is strengthening against foreign currencies, there is no guarantee that this will continue. If there is any increase in the cost of foreign currency, domestic prices will tend to rise in the medium term. (In the short term, retailers who have stocks of products bought at the lower rate will keep the prices lower in order to remain competitive.) In case of such an increase, there is no telling how long the cost of foreign exchange will remain high.

It is logical to estimate that retailers will be the most vulnerable actors in the market in the case of short-term exchange rate fluctuations, since they will try to keep their prices lower in order to maintain levels of demand.

Future impact

After the onset of the economic crisis in 2008, sales in the consumer electronics market fell slightly but unit prices remained the same on account of retailers’ policy of fixing prices against the dollar. The pricing policies of both manufacturers and distributors are expected to lead to an expansion of the consumer market, bringing in new buyers as prices fall and creating a larger consumer base for services and upgrades in the future.

As prices continue to fall for digital devices, they will become increasingly affordable in emerging market segments, which will give an important boost to sales of consumer electronics products.