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Saturday 10 May 2014

Consumer Electronics Market in Russia

Consumer Electronics Market   in Russia-Dissertation Writing Help

Executive Summary

Income Increase and Lifestyle Changes Positively Influence the Market Performance

The most important factor influencing market performance over the review period was the increase in disposable income and continuing changes in lifestyle. Russian consumers have been buying more and more houses, flats, summerhouses all of which required more consumer electronics products. In addition, relative economic stability allows the Russian consumers to buy new modern and expensive products, which positively influences market performance.

the Main Market Performance Drivers

The Russian market has grown within different product categories. The main development driver was the in-home consumer electronics in such sectors as Digital TV, especially HDTV. The reason for that was the introduction of digital TV into Russia in 2005; others driver were DVD players and Home video and audio products. Due to changes in lifestyle, Russian consumers were spending more and more time at home. 2008 was announced as “Family Year” and therefore all marketing activities forced Russian consumers to pay bigger attention to their families and thus to spend more time at home. The third driver was PCs due to business and internet development. In portable CE sector, the main driver was portable computers, whose popularity was increasing due to increased business activity. In the in-car CE sector  navigation systems was the main driver.

the Growth of Regional Markets

Due to market saturation in the main Russian cities, the market developed mainly inside the Russian regions. The economic situation and government investments into the Russian regions allowed consumers to increase CE products purchases. The other reason for regional expansion was that regional Russian consumers were not as spoilt in terms of product availability and competitive pricing as consumers from the main cities are and therefore it was relatively easier to introduce new products. Regional markets appeared to offer considerable potential and opportunities for high growth in volume and value sales for those sectors that are already saturated in the centres, such as mobile phones.

Changes in the Market Development and Distribution Channels

The market continued growing, although the growth rate was lower than in previous years. The reason for market growth was regional expansion, which allowed for the sale of less expensive and less modern models. Retailers were building their own supermarkets and shops in the Russian regions and they developed franchise systems.

Due to a decrease of the ‘grey’ market and an increase in internet usage and accessibility, distribution channels have changed. Internet purchases began increasing fast. However, in contrast regional Russian consumers were buying products in the supermarkets, special shops and retail chains.

Market Growth Rate Will Be Lower Than in Previous Years.

The Russian consumer market will continue growing due to an increase in disposable income, a change in the lifestyle of Russian consumers and consequently a shift in popularity for certain goods and services. This trend is likely to continue developing. The income increase and inflation decrease will influence market performance positively. However, year-by-year the market will became closer to saturation and therefore market growth rate will decrease every year in the forest period.

Key Trends and Developments

Decrease of the ‘grey’ Market

The ‘grey’ market displayed a high share of the Russian CE market. However, this situation began to change over the review period. Due to government legislations and consumers preferences, the ‘grey’ market was decreasing which influenced a price decrease and an increase in customer service in sectors laptops, mobile phones and cameras.

The reason for this market shift was the introduction in 2007 of the law of the border duties cancellation. Historically, the Russians imported CE products illegally. In 2007, in response the Russian Government decided to cancel import taxes for some CE products such as cameras and mobile phones. Due mainly to the tax cancellation law companies are changing their strategies. Manufacturers are increasingly looking for ways to increase customer service and improve consumer relations.

Outlook (of the trend)

The development of the legal market grew during the review period due to economic development, government legislations and changes in consumer behaviour.

Products which are now classified as legal are high quality, and command lower prices. In addition, customer service levels have increased due to consumer demand and a more competitive market environment. These developments are all expected to continue in coming years.

Current Impact

The decline of the ‘grey’ market pushed down the unit price of CE products, increased the numbers of new models and increased the number of consumers who were buying the products through the supermarkets, hypermarkets and speciality shops and thus increased marketing activities. Volume sales increased because of the price unit decrease and an increase in the number of consumers. This trend affects the sectors of mobile telephony, digital cameras and laptops.

Future impact

This trend will have a positive effect on the overall CE market. On the other hand as the market becomes closer to saturation due to new entrants into manufacturing, individual company profits will fall forcing all companies to become more creative in their marketing efforts. 

The market will adapt in terms of legality and customer service. However, this trend will not happen overnight due to high levels of corruption, bureaucracy and complex legislation.

Customers’ needs will begin to be served correctly and more efficiently as manufacturers respond with sensitivity  to customer feedback according to which products and models attract most demand.

As illegal products become less relevant in the Russian market this will lead to further collaboration between Russian manufacturers and retailers and foreign companies, which will have positive influence on the development of the overall CE market.

Regional Market Development

Market saturation in the big cities of Russia forced companies to focus toward the regions. 

The CE retailers and manufacturers changed their strategy according to the market expansion. For big cities, manufacturers and retailers provided more updated products, for small cities within the Russian regions they provided cheaper and models with fewer functions.  However, 2008 showed that there is still a degree of demand by consumers in regions for the latest products.

Outlook (of the trend)

The regional market trend is developing quickly due to market saturation in the main Russian cities. It also has long-term implications due to the sheer geographical size of Russia and its high population. As a result, companies are adapting their marketing strategies accordingly.

Only about 20% of CE products are introduced into the Russian regions which can force consumers to travel to the city to purchase ‘grey’ goods. As a result, companies are trying to find solutions to combat this.

According to Euromonitor data, the number of urban households is increasing as well as consumer expenditure on audio-video CE products. This information shows that regional expansion into the Russian market is the main source of the additional company profit.

Current Impact

The regional expansion is increasing the volume and value of the CE market. At the same time, the market value increase is lower than volume increase because of regional consumers buying cheaper models than consumers from the main Russian cities. Such sectors as cameras, laptops, digital TVs, DVD players and mobile phones sectors were affected by this trend.

Companies could increase market share by cementing their presence in the regions; they also have the opportunity to sell of less popular models in the main cities in order to reduce stock. Products such as CDs and MP3 are more popular in smaller towns than in the big cities so companies could rethink their distribution in order to increase sales based upon this kind of information.

Future impact

Between 2009 and 2013 this trend is likely to continue however, the consequences of this trend can negatively affect product development and the introduction new models into the Russian market. In addition, this trend can increase unit price of new models due to the lack of these products in the Russian market.

Increase of Popularity of New Technologies

New technologies are becoming more popular in Russia and replacing old technology.

Rapid development of new formats can be observed in the TV sector. Thus, analogue TVs started disappearing from the Russian market to be replaced with LCD and plasma. In contrast, the portable electronics market has seen a boost due to the uptake of digital cameras and laptops. Russian consumers are attracted to the multi-functionality of the products. The navigation market is also booming in Russia due to the convenience they bring. Smart phones are also showing positive growth.

Outlook (of the trend)

Although globalisation and an increase in disposable income is a relative reality, new technology development will be a long-term trend in Russia as companies are new to the idea of investing in R&D. Companies needs to work at bucking the trend for consumer demand for cheap goods to be replaced by more premium, multi-functional products.

The market for new formats is not restricted to the large cities. Regional demand is increasing because of income increases in the regions.

Current Impact

The growing popularity for new technology is resulting in companies offering discounts and sale goods in order to increase unit sales but this will inevitably push the unit price down. Sectors most affected are TVs, mobile phones, portable CE products, laptops and navigation systems.

This trend will help to develop new product features and drive the market. The resulting profits will be reinvested into marketing and developing new products. It will also result in replacing defunct technology such as VCR, CD/DVD players, and analogue TVs.

Future impact

Those companies who don’t develop and invest in new products will lose market share and even be forced to exit  the market due to the increasing competitiveness of the market. The modern and dynamic companies which can introduce new technologically advanced products and marketing strategies are the main beneficiaries of this trend.

While introducing new products in to the market the companies might also have to revise their logistics system and marketing strategy in years to come.

Foreign Companies Partly Move Its Production in Russia (contract Assembly)

Many foreign companies have moved their production facilities to Russia. The companies decided to localise their production process in order to have a competitive advantage not only in distribution but also in costings.

This trend decreased the unit price on some CE products and thus increased sales volume and customer service.

Outlook (of the trend)

In the period of globalisation this trend developed rapidly. More and more companies moved their production to Russia, such as Panasonic, Sony, and Samsung. This trend has long-term character.

However, foreign companies are keeping a close eye on the economic stability of Russia and especially in the future government policy.

Current Impact

This trend decreases the unit prices on some products, which allowed for an increase in the volume of the market.

It is profitable for the manufacturers to have contract assembly in Russia. The companies can save money on the logistic, import duties and other border expenditure. For the Russian manufacturers this trend was also beneficial because of the stable income gained from the foreign companies.

Historically, the Russian consumers’ purchasing decision was based on price sensitivity and thus Russian consumers tended to purchase products assembled in Russia. However, Russian consumers are shifting away from buying Russian products and are paying more attention to the origin of products bought.

Future impact

This trend will continue due to globalisation. In addition, the manufacturers will invest more money in order to maintain the high quality of the products.

On the one hand, this trend will play a positive role for the Russian manufacturers because of the stable income from the contract assembly. On the other hand, this trend will decrease the production and product development by Russian manufactures, which will negatively influence the economic development of Russia.

This trend will focus new product development for the foreign companies. For the Russian companies, this trend  will provide an opportunity to develop its own private label products and thus to increase its market presence.

Price Decrease

The unit prices in some subsectors of the consumer electronics market are falling particularly in the portable and in-car consumer electronics subsectors due to the wide range of products on offer and the increase in disposable income. MP3s, DVD players and TVs are particularly affected.

Outlook (of the trend)

This trend is expected to continue in coming years affecting volume sales positively whereas value sales increase is projected to be slower.

The Russian customs authorities have strengthened their control of the “grey” market in mobile phones by signing an agreement with a few foreign companies to ensure that all manufacturers’ prices declared.

Current Impact

Due to the cancellation of border duties and overseas production facilities begin moved to Russia, the most affected market sectors were cameras mobile phones and TVs.

The main beneficiaries of the trend are consumers, who had opportunity to buy more products and thus to satisfy their needs; the manufacturers who could decrease their stock volume and retailers who had opportunity to increase turnover and thus to increase company profit.

Future impact

This trend is expected to continue and will drive the market. The prices will continue decreasing which will lead to an increase in the demand for certain types of products such as laptops, PC, MP3 players, navigation systems, and TV. On the other hand, the price decrease will decrease the value growth rate, which can negatively influence market development.

All sectors will be affected by this trend portable consumer electronics and TV sectors will be most affected. The price decrease will influence these sectors more than others because of the high level of product demand.

The manufacturers will use this trend to decrease their stock volume and increase market share and develop marketing strategies such as discount events and sales .

The retailers and manufacturers will have higher turnover and fewer models in stock. This fact will allow the companies to develop the products and introduce innovations.