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Sunday 11 May 2014

Consumer Electronics Market in Austria

Consumer Electronics Market in Austria-Dissertation Writing Help

Executive Summary

Positive Development in 2008

The overall market performance of consumer electronics products in Austria was rather good in 2008. Although growth in value sales of consumer electronics products was slightly down on the previous year’s level, it was higher in 2008 than in any other year of the review period. The main product categories driving the sector’s performance were digital products and those that offer convenience and mobility such as mobile phones and portable multimedia players. Digital TVs continued to perform well as  observed in 2007. Portable computers and especially laptops were driving the sales of computers. The performance of in-car consumer electronics products was entirely dependent on the performance of navigation systems.

Up-to-date Solutions Are the Latest Rage

The influences of modern technology and ever more trendy lifestyles were evident in consumer electronics in 2008. Launches of new products and of improved versions of previous models were flooding the consumer electronics market. Advanced features and state-of-the-art equipment were a must among consumers. Analogue products became obsolete and their sales declined sharply, and many manufacturers stopped producing them entirely. New digital media such as blu-ray disks and players offering better picture and sound quality are the latest rage in consumer electronics. Consequently, those sectors in which up-to-date technology has not made a major impact performed rather weakly.

the Most Successful Subsectors in Austria: Digital Tv, Digital Mobile Gadgets

HDTV was one of the fastest-growing product categories in 2008. With digital broadcasting becoming available almost throughout Austria, consumers rapidly started to replace their analogue devices with digital ones. Higher-definition sound and greater picture resolution were reasons enough for the general switch to digital TVs. Sales of digital cameras also recorded strong in 2008 in response to this trend.  Portable multimedia players and laptops were also in the product categories whose sales benefited from their convenience and portability. Navigation systems were the absolute winner in consumer electronics in 2008. This subsector drove not only the performance of the entire in-car consumer electronics sector but also the overall performance of the consumer electronics sector.

Harsh Competitive Environment

With a vast number of producers, ranging from big global players to small and little-known manufacturers, the market in consumer electronics products was characterised by a harsh competitive environment in 2008. In some smaller sectors, single global players were able to hold the overwhelming market share, whereas in larger sectors even they had to fight for share on account of their fragmented markets. The majority of these producers were big global players, which makes it impossible for domestic players to play a notable role. The major multinationals were present and held one of the three leading positions in nearly all subsectors.

Positive Development in the Future

Consumer electronics products are expected to perform very well over the forecast period. Levels of demand for digital products and advanced technology are likely to increase in future, and producers will do their best to deliver such products and elicit consumers’ interest and curiosity. Analogue products, on the other hand, may disappear completely from the shops as they are predicted to perform very weakly over the forecast period.

Key Trends and Developments

the Digital Euphoria

As the first decade of the new millennium draws to an end, technology continues to develop rapidly, as yesterday’s novelty becomes today’s history. New and even more advanced devices and appliances emerge every month and consumers are becoming increasingly curious. Digital broadcasting has already taken hold of Europe, and was introduced to Austria in 2006. The advantages of the new technology are numerous and various, and the digital euphoria continues to dominate the consumer electronics sector.

There are several types of digital broadcasting in Austria: DVB-T is the digital terrestrial signal offering several national digital channels; DVB-C is the digital cable signal, which offers more programmes; and DVB-S, the digital satellite signal, is the most popular in Austria since it offers the largest number of channels. IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) is also available in Austria, offers the option to receive the digital signal via Broadband Internet and connect one’s computer to a TV.

Current impact

The trend towards digital products is observable in nearly all sectors of consumer electronics. The televisions sector is being driven by the strong performance of HDTV. Even though the analogue broadcasting signal is still available in some areas of Austria, consumers are rapidly replacing their analogue devices with digital ones.

HDTVs offer greater picture resolution and higher-definition sound, thus providing the ultimate in entertainment and enjoyment. The feeling of having a private cinema in one’s own home is overwhelming for many consumers. In addition, DVD players are slowly being replaced by blu-ray players – the new medium that corresponds to the digital television. The trend towards digital products has influenced the cameras and camcorders subsectors as well.


This trend toward digital products is expected to displace analogue devices entirely out of use. More consumers will replace their old TVs with new digital models, and all broadcasting in Austria will be digital by the end of the forecast period.  All Austrian households are expected to switch over to a digital broadcasting signal by 2012.

Cameras and camcorders will also be affected by this trend as analogue devices will literally die out in these sectors. Higher picture resolution as well as larger displays and additional features such as motion and facial recognition will be a must for purchasers of digital cameras or camcorders.

Future impact

In the future this will lead to even harsher competition among producers as they strive to introduce new products that incorporate unique features. It will be almost impossible for manufacturers to continue making unique products in this sector, as they are all expected to invest in further research and development in order to introduce products that will attract consumers to their brands. Nevertheless the trend towards digital products will be positive overall. With digital broadcasting providing the ultimate in picture and sound quality, consumer satisfaction is guaranteed.

Austrian Demand Driven by Convenience, Ease of Use and Mobility

Busier lifestyles and the increased trend of being continually on the move have led to increased demand for convenience and functionality. The lack of spare time, especially among working people, has led to increased demand for products that comprise several features in one. In addition, these products need to be both user friendly and stylish.

Mobility is another important feature that is very much in demand. With a vast number of people now constantly on the road, demand for state-of-the-art mobile phones, laptops and pocket PCs is increasing. These devices provide a feeling of being close to people from one’s own area despite being miles away.

Current impact

The trend towards convenience has influenced many sectors of consumer electronics. In computers, sales of laptops increased by 14.0% in 2008, while sales of desktops are facing a decline. Many producers decided to respond to this demand by introducing products that meet consumer demands. Thus, Sony introduced the Vaio TZ laptop, which features a battery that can last up to 7.5 hours, thus enabling consumers to use it during shorter flights and bus rides without needing access to an electric socket.

New product launches in mobile phones also indicated manufacturers’ increased attention to consumers’ demand for convenience. Samsung introduced a new and innovative product in keeping with this trend, which resembles a concept introduced by iPod and Nike+ in 2006. In cooperation with Adidas, Samsung introduced its miCoach mobile phone, which is also a personal trainer. Via a Bluetooth device that is placed in the user’s sneakers, the miCoach records his or her personal data such as the numbers of steps and heartbeats. These recorded data can later be entered on the product’s dedicated website, and this suggests a personal exercise programme suitable for the individual user.

The in-car consumer electronics products sector is also being influenced by this trend. This is especially notable in navigation systems, which also come with many additional features such as an ability to recognise traffic signs and speed limits, a true-to-life road image on the navigation device’s display, voice-operated commands, etc. All these features are set to provide help and enable users to achieve the shortest possible travel time and improve the efficiency with which they use their time.


Consumers’ demand for greater convenience will prevail over both the short and long term, as they will need products that respond fully to this need and improve their quality of life. As the dynamic pace of everyday life is not likely to decrease, mobility will be one of the most important factors influencing the performance of the consumer electronics sector over the forecast period. Convenient products, such as the mobile phone with an integrated navigation system, are certain to attract additional consumers as constant traffic jams in big cities can be really tiresome and affect people’s mood.

In addition, portable media players that can be used by individuals to carry large amounts of data also provide the pleasure of listening of music in high-definition sound or watching a video with a good-quality picture. Such products are especially convenient during long commutes.

Future impact

The consumer will start to rely increasingly on electronic devices over the forecast period. Atomisation and appliances that not only make life easier but also replace services formerly provided by humans will be very popular in the future. (For example, the iPod Nike+ Chip provides a music playlist that is suitable for exercise as well as creating a training plan that is appropriate to the individual user.) In the long term, this may lead to unhealthy lifestyles as consumers increasingly rely on devices and become less physically active. With manufacturers constantly offering more advanced technologies, however, working people will have a hard time deciding which of them are necessities and which are purely vanity purchases.

Energy Efficiency – An Emerging Issue

Global price increases and the increasing costs of everyday living world-wide are having an influence in Austria as well. People have become accustomed to a rather leisurely way of living regarding their personal expenditure, but the general cost of living has now increased significantly. The Austrian electric utility “Wien Energie” increased its prices for heating and electricity by roughly 35% from November 2008.

In addition, leaving electric devices on “standby” is also becoming expensive, whether for a washing machine or a notebook, since household appliances absorb electric energy when plugged in even if they are turned off (on standby). This is forcing manufacturers to concentrate their attention on more energy-efficient products.

Current impact

This new consumer trend is affecting some of the most successful sectors of consumer electronics such as TVs and computers. The producers of TVs predicted this and all new models absorb less energy while on standby, so this represents only a fraction of the total electric power used by the TV when it is turned on.

Nevertheless, GfK compared the consumption of electricity of two plasma TVs with a screen size of 42 inches, of which one was low current and the other conventional. The experiment revealed that the low-current TV consumed roughly 215 watts while the conventional model absorbed 380 watts, which represented a significant difference. Over a longer period of time, with an average viewing time of four hours per day, the electricity needed to operate the low-current TV would cost roughly €60 per year while that for the regular model would cost roughly €110 per year.

Recognising this, Sharp has unveiled a prototype of a TV powered by solar cell energy. The product has a 27-inch screen and a solar module of approximately the same size. According to Sharp, this LCD TV is more energy efficient than an analogue TVs and also in comparison with other LCD TVs. This product is not yet available in the Austrian market.


If energy costs increase further or remain at the current level for a longer period, products such as Sharp’s prototype might enjoy a real boom in sales. The current scenario is likely to cause consumers to include energy efficiency as one of the main factors in their purchasing decisions. Consumers are expected to turn to low-current TVs, which absorb less energy. The solar cell power supply may represent an important feature of the consumer electronics sector over the forecast period.

Future impact

Consumers may pay more attention to the prototype technology introduced by Sharp. Energy-efficient TVs and similar products from other sectors of consumer electronics will probably trigger a new trend over the forecast period as consumers look for such products. Solar cell power is quite a revolutionary concept and it might be seen in commercial use in Austria in the future. One way or another, both consumers and manufacturers will need to place greater emphasis on the energy-efficient products within the consumer electronics sector.

Consumers Look for Creative Concepts

In these highly developed and competitive markets, new product launches emerge every month. Manufacturers are fighting for market share by introducing products similar to those introduced by their main competitors. Consumers are therefore presented with a wide range of products that all look alike but rarely offer true novelty, so they look for products that offer one of two features that make them unique and distinguish them from the vast majority of similar introductions. They look for creative solutions that will arouse their interest.

Current impact

Recognising this, some producers have focused on introducing true novelties into the market. One such producer is Samsung, which focused on the current trend in advanced technology and also on creative solutions. Samsung introduced the E200 ECO, the first environmentally friendly mobile phone, which is made of “bio-plastic”, produced from corn and absolutely PVC free. In every other aspect it is a regular mobile phone with all the usual accompanying features, but in terms of innovation it represents a true novelty. Samsung was not the only one that concentrated on intelligent introductions. Hyundai Mobile Europe introduced the first “Handy Watch” (MB-910) to the Austrian market, which looks just like a watch but incorporates all the mobile phone features such as mp3 player, GPRS, large display, etc. The communication is carried out via Bluetooth or via an integrated hands-free set.


Consumers are likely to demand more products of this type over the forecast period, and the importance of true novelty should not be neglected. The demand for the E200 ECO and the “Handy Watch” is expected to increase during 2009, and this trend will also influence the manufacturers that are likely to shift their attention to developing creative concepts for their new product launches. The “Handy Watch” also provides very important features of convenience, and this may lead to the emergence as the new standard product of a mobile phone that can worn on the wrist as a fashion accessory, watch and mobile phone.

Future impact

In future, intelligent solutions will be the source of a major boom in the consumer electronics sector. Products such as those described here may threaten the sales of other state-of-the-art products introduced in 2008. People who are increasingly ecologically aware will want more products such as the Samsung E200 ECO, whereas true fans of gadgets will look for products such as the Hyundai “Handy Watch”. The producers will therefore shift their focus to the launches of similar products.

Online Distribution and Marketing Increase

The Internet has now become a necessity in Austria. Almost every idea, thought, piece of information or question has become unthinkable without the Internet. People use it as a dictionary, as an encyclopaedia, as a post office and – in one sentence – as the one place where one can ask or find anything one needs. An increasing trend to make purchases on line is also noticeable in Austria, especially in the consumer electronics sector.

Online activity increased in terms of advertising as well. According to current figures of Market Research Institute EITO, the global sales achieved through banner ads, sponsored links and other online advertising formats grew by 23% to around €31.7 billion. Online advertising in Europe and in Asia recorded above-average growth. In the European Union, online marketing activity increased by 31% to reach €9.1 billion in 2008.

Current impact

Both trends are clearly observable in the sector of consumer electronics. Online purchases of TVs and projectors, digital cameras, camcorders and mobile phones increased significantly relative to the review period. The consumers have placed great emphasis on the use of the Internet, and Internet selling through sites such as eBay can often be very lucrative.

Many manufacturers within the consumer electronics sector promoted their products through online campaigns by providing interactive websites, presentations and online games, in order to attract consumers. For example, Sony and Acer have both promoted their new laptops through online advertising. Acer provided a presentation of its new notebook whereas Sony presented its new product through an online high-quality video. Navigon AG advertised its new navigation device via high-quality Internet presentation and banner ads.


This trend is expected to continue, and to assume increasing importance, over the forecast period. More consumers will probably recognise the benefits of online advertising, especially since the Internet is the most visited place on earth. The Internet attracts more users each day than any TV channel, sports event or any other type of gathering. Moreover, increasing numbers of Austrians are expected to purchase consumer electronics products on line. With the emergence of numerous online shops, there will be no need to go to the physical shop or walk around searching for the right product.

Future impact

Increased Internet advertising may have a negative effect on other media over the forecast period. The EITO figures suggest that online advertising may seriously threaten advertising through TV, radio or print media if current trends continue. Increasing numbers of Austrians are also predicted to buy their consumer electronics products on line as the Internet offers low prices, which are rarely found in conventional shops.