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Sunday 27 April 2014

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements India

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements in India


·         Vitamins and dietary supplements sales grew at 11% in current value terms in 2008, to almost Rs26 billion
·         Growth was driven by consumers moving towards preventative healthcare, rather than curative
·         Calcium supplements saw the highest growth, of 14% in current value terms, to reach Rs1 billion
·         GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd launched ActiBase in February 2008
·         Amway India Enterprises leads, with a 17% value share
·         Sales of vitamins and dietary supplements are expected to grow by 34% in constant value terms over the forecast period



·         Due to a rapidly growing economy and more hectic lifestyles, an increasing number of consumers in urban areas prefer to eat outside the home. This has, however, often led to the consumption of unbalanced meals that do not provide the necessary intake of vitamins. As a result, consumers in urban areas have increasingly started taking vitamins in order to fulfil the daily required intake. Previously, women would rely on their diet for an adequate supply of vitamins. However, with increasingly busy lifestyles, doctors are advising them to consume multivitamin pills on a regular basis, and not just during pregnancy.
·         Growth in 2008 was faster than the review period average. Due to an increase in lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, vitamins are increasingly being used to replenish the vitamin stock in the body that is depleted due to the treatment of such diseases. With India having high incidences of lifestyle problems, many consumers are purchasing vitamins on a UTC basis. Consumers have sought to ward off diseases and common ailments, caused by factors such as increased pollution in urban areas, by consuming a regular supply of vitamins.
·         More than single vitamins, it was multivitamins that drove growth in 2008. With multivitamins offering multiple benefits in one capsule or tablet, consumers have preferred to take multivitamins rather than different single vitamins pills. Multivitamins are increasingly used as a preventative measure, and require a less sophisticated understanding of the different types of vitamins and their effects than is required to develop an effective combination of single vitamins.
·         The penetration of vitamins remains fairly high in India. Although the bulk of sales come from urban areas, rural areas are not too far behind. This is because vitamins have been present in India for many years now, and have been priced cheaply by companies.
·         Within multivitamins, the leading brand remains Pfizer Ltd’s Becosules, with 2008 sales of Rs869 million. The Becosules brand has been present in India for many years, and benefits from a loyal following, as well as a strong distribution network that makes it available all over India. Close on the heels of Becosules is Amway India Enterprises’ brand Nutrilite Daily, with 2008 sales of Rs841 million. Nutrilite Daily remains the most popular multivitamin brand among middle and upper income urban consumers.

Dietary Supplements

·         Many urban Indian consumers have shifted towards preventative healthcare to prevent illnesses from befalling them, rather than taking medicines only when they fall sick. Due to rising urbanisation, a growing economy and hectic lifestyles, the average urbanite has become more prone to fall sick, due to a variety of problems, such as digestive issues, headaches, fever and muscle ache. However, to prevent this from happening and putting a stop in their lives, urban consumers have increased their consumption of dietary supplements, such as calcium supplements, mineral supplements, chyawanprash and protein powder. This trend drove sales of dietary supplements during the review period.
·         2008 growth was slightly faster than the average for the review period. This higher growth was driven primarily by consumers in urban areas, who have become more conscious of health issues and the need to keep physically and mentally fit. With increasingly demanding careers, young urban Indians have sought to maintain their health and energy levels by making consumption of dietary supplements a regular part of their lives.
·         The most popular dietary supplement brand remains Amway India Enterprises’ protein powder, Nutrilite with 2008 sales of Rs3.3 billion. Second is the widely distributed Dabur Chyawanprash, from Dabur India Ltd, with 2008 sales of Rs2.3 billion.
·         Calcium supplements were the fastest growing subsector in 2008, with a 14% increase in current value terms. Due to increased awareness of diseases such as osteoporosis among women and brittle bones among young children, consumers have realised the benefits of increasing their intake of calcium. As a result, calcium supplements grew strongly in 2008.
·         The leading brand in combination dietary supplements is Liv 52, from the Himalaya Drug Co. The brand is trusted by consumers for its efficacy in not only treating liver ailments, but also in promoting digestion, and achieved sales of Rs649 million in 2008.
·         Within dietary supplements, brands positioned for general health are the most widely available. Products focused on general health mainly consist of mineral supplements, protein powders, garlic, ginseng and fish oils. Put together, general health made up 63% of 2008 value sales of dietary supplements. Indian consumers seem to prefer general health dietary supplements for the holistic benefits offered by them to the entire body. Following general health are dietary supplements positioned for the immune system. This consists mainly of chyawanprash and the Liv 52 brand. Such products remain widely popular as consumers believe them to make the immune system stronger, which will help prevent them becoming ill.
·         Within tonics and nutritive drinks, Neogadine Elixir, from Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd, remains the leader, followed by Bayer’s Tonic from Bayer (India) Ltd. While Neogadine Elixir is positioned as a remedy for chronic bronchitis, loss of strength and for convalescence, Bayer’s Tonic is positioned as a treatment for general debility.
·         Dietary supplements witnessed a number of new product launches in 2008. GlaxoSmithKline Ltd launched ActiBase, one of the best selling protein powders in the world. Though the brand will be marketed only through the prescription route, UTC sales are likely to occur in the long term. In early 2008, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd launched a sugar-free variant of chyawanprash called Chyawan Active. The brand is targeted at consumers who have diabetes but wish to consume chyawanprash.

Competitive Landscape

·         Amway India Enterprises remained the sector leader in 2008, capturing a 17% value share. The company continued to benefit from rising incomes among consumers in urban India, who were increasingly able to afford its higher priced products, as well as from its ability to penetrate rural areas with its strong sales force. The company also has tie-ups with as many as 5,000 doctors and health practitioners to promote its brands. Furthermore, it has also launched an e-commerce website for consumers who wish to shop on-line.
·         Dabur India Ltd saw the largest increase in value share in 2008, to reach 12%. This was driven by strong growth in its flagship brand, Dabur Chyawanprash, due to various marketing and promotional activities. These included collaborating with various welfare associations, promoting the brand at parks and conducting rural marketing initiatives. Dabur India Ltd also launched its own retail outlets called New U in 2008. The stores sell mainly cosmetics and toiletries, and dietary supplements.
·         Novartis India Ltd is the outright leader in calcium supplements, with its brands Calcium Sandoz and Macalvit being extremely popular among women. Within mineral supplements, Franco Indian Pharmaceuticals Ltd is the leader, with the Dexorange brand. Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd remains largest player in tonics and bottled nutritive drinks. Its brand Neogadine Elixir is widely popular among rural consumers, who consume it as a general health booster.
·         A particularly memorable advertising campaign was launched by Amway India Enterprises in the latter half of 2008. The television campaign highlighted the company’s customer-centric approach and carried the tagline “We are listening”, based on the theme that the company understands Indian consumers. In terms of other promotional strategies, Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd tied up with a leading cinema operator to give out free samples of Revital along with movie tickets.
·         The launch of ActiBase, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd’s best selling protein powders brand, has made protein powders more competitive, especially for market leader Amway India Enterprises. Indian consumers now have access to a brand that is sold all over the world. GlaxoSmithKline is expected to market ActiBase aggressively, and hence sales are expected to be brisk. Meanwhile, the launch of Chyawan Active from Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd is likely to be a catalyst for the launch of similar sugar-free variants of chyawanprash.
·         While Internet sales are negligible in India, direct sales are increasing year-on-year. In 2008, the direct sales channel accounted for 22% of total sales of vitamins and dietary supplements. Due to time pressures, an increasing number of consumers, especially women, prefer to shop from the comforts of their homes.


·         Sales of vitamins and dietary supplements are expected to grow by 34% in constant value terms over the forecast period. Growth will be driven mainly by urban consumers, who are becoming increasingly aware of health needs. More stressful lifestyles, pollution and digestive complaints will further contribute to growth.
·         The forecast for 2008-2013 is slightly higher than that made previously for the 2007-2012 period. Due to the aggressive marketing and promotional activities of Dabur India Ltd and Emami Ltd, growth in chyawanprash is expected to be robust in the forecast period. Similarly, with the launch of ActiBase, protein powders are likely to see a strong impetus to growth. Calcium supplements are also expected to see high growth due to rising consumption among children, women and elderly people.
·         Growth over the forecast period is, nevertheless, expected to be slower than that of the review period. This will come about mainly due to increasing saturation in urban areas of India. The impending economic downturn will also play its part in deterring lower-middle income consumers from purchasing vitamins and dietary supplements, especially since these products are not those of necessity. Having said that, current value growth of all sub sectors in vitamins and dietary supplements is expected to be marginally higher in 2009 than 2008 given the general rise in population and the fact that growth will be from a small base.
·         India’s young population, which is extremely health conscious, is expected to be the growth driver over the forecast period. Thanks to high levels of education, young men and women are extremely concerned about their health. This, coupled with rising income, will drive them to demand and purchase the very best products and brands.
·         Among vitamins, multivitamins are expected grow more strongly than single vitamins. Multivitamins are expected to display robust growth due to their positioning as being able to maintain general health. Nevertheless, single vitamins that are targeted at specific deficiencies will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace than multivitamins.
·         Dietary supplements will continue to be seen as preventative, rather than curative. This perception will drive growth among increasingly health conscious urban consumers, who will consume them to prevent illness.
·         Due to the fact that vitamins and dietary supplements are preventative in nature rather than curative, any increase in prices might lead to consumers abandoning such products and switching back to taking medicines only when an ailment occurs. The recent high inflation in India might, indeed, force companies to raise prices, despite the risk of this alienating the consumer. If this happens, sector growth will be restricted. Growth may also be hampered by legislative issues. With no clear guidelines as to what constitutes an OTC product, product managers prefer to market their brands through the ethical route. Unless companies invest adequately in brand building, sales of vitamins and dietary supplements will not reach their full potential.
·         Companies are expected to focus on urban areas to drive growth over the forecast period, as potential in them is yet not fully exhausted. While vitamins are not expected to see much activity due their long standing presence in India, and hence higher degree of maturity, companies may launch products in garlic, ginseng, calcium supplements and protein powders. Urban India might also see launches of evening primrose oil, royal jelly and probiotic supplements. To cater to on-the-go consumers, the sector may see the launch of products in innovative formats, such as chewable or dissolving tablets.
·         ActiBase is expected to do well in the short term. The brand is riding on the success it has witnessed all over the world, and has the financial muscle of GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd to help it penetrate the market and capture a small, but significant value share of protein powders. To combat the launch of ActiBase, other companies might be forced to drop their prices, or introduce products that offer superior benefits. Chyawan Active, from Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, is also set to witness strong sales, as it is one of the very few brands in India to be offering a sugar-free variant of chyawanprash.
·         While the general health positioning of vitamins and dietary supplements is expected to continue to drive growth over the forecast period, Indian consumers are expected to become more sophisticated, demanding and aware of health issues. As this happens, specific positionings, such as men’s or women’s health, mental, or even sexual health might see product launches that offer specific benefits.

Sector Data

Rs million
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Vitamins and dietary                           16,459.1        17,820.3        19,421.8        21,318.0        23,125.1        25,562.4
Vitamins                                                  3,140.1          3,389.4          3,643.4          3,951.4          4,300.2          4,691.4
- Multivitamins                                        1,858.4          2,011.1          2,171.6          2,374.5          2,610.3          2,898.2
- Single vitamins                                    1,281.7          1,378.2          1,471.9          1,577.0          1,689.8          1,793.2
-- Vitamin A                                                         -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Vitamin B                                                681.6              732.2              781.4              839.1              903.5              968.4
-- Vitamin C                                                432.6              462.5              491.0              518.9              546.4              573.3
-- Vitamin D                                                         -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Vitamin E                                                167.4              183.6              199.5              219.0              239.9              251.6
-- Other single vitamins                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Dietary supplements                          13,085.1        14,169.9        15,487.1        17,044.2        18,466.0        20,470.5
- Herbal dietary                                      4,358.3          4,578.2          5,037.6          5,666.7          6,020.4          6,687.1
-- Garlic                                                       214.6              233.6              249.9              267.8              290.0              317.0
-- Ginseng                                                   892.7          1,010.0          1,133.0          1,280.7          1,452.5          1,628.0
-- Ginkgo biloba                                             2.7                  3.1                  3.5                  3.9                  4.4                  5.1
-- Evening primrose oil                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Echinacea                                                        -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- St John's wort                                                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Other herbal dietary                           2,564.0          2,614.5          2,873.9          3,265.3          3,338.7          3,711.6
- Non-herbal dietary                              8,726.8          9,591.7        10,449.5        11,377.5        12,445.5        13,783.3
-- Calcium supplements                          596.6              647.2              696.7              764.2              842.2              963.5
-- Mineral supplements                        3,250.7          3,695.8          4,165.4          4,657.2          5,184.5          5,766.7
-- Fish oils                                                     65.2                72.4                79.7                88.1                96.4              106.4
-- Protein powder                                   3,061.1          3,264.8          3,466.0          3,662.6          3,928.8          4,258.3
-- Probiotic supplements                                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Eye health supplements                               -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Royal jelly                                                        -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Co-enzyme Q10                                             -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Glucosamine                                                   -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Sam-E                                                              -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Other non-herbal                                1,560.0          1,672.6          1,782.6          1,937.5          2,130.0          2,415.9
    dietary supplements                                                                                                                                                              
- Combination dietary                              877.5              955.9          1,036.4          1,117.1          1,198.5          1,298.0
Tonics and bottled                                    234.0              261.1              291.3              322.4              359.0              400.5
    nutritive drinks                                                                                                                                                                         
Child-specific vitamins                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
    and dietary supplements                                                                                                                                                      
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% current value growth
                                                                                                             2007/08        2003-08 CAGR       2003/08 TOTAL

Vitamins and dietary supplements                                                      10.5                              9.2                            55.3
Vitamins                                                                                                      9.1                              8.4                            49.4
- Multivitamins                                                                                          11.0                              9.3                            56.0
- Single vitamins                                                                                        6.1                              6.9                            39.9
-- Vitamin A                                                                                                     -                                   -                                   -
-- Vitamin B                                                                                                 7.2                              7.3                            42.1
-- Vitamin C                                                                                                 4.9                              5.8                            32.5
-- Vitamin D                                                                                                     -                                   -                                   -
-- Vitamin E                                                                                                 4.8                              8.5                            50.2
-- Other single vitamins                                                                                 -                                   -                                   -
Dietary supplements                                                                              10.9                              9.4                            56.4
- Herbal dietary supplements                                                               11.1                              8.9                            53.4
-- Garlic                                                                                                        9.3                              8.1                            47.7
-- Ginseng                                                                                                 12.1                            12.8                            82.4
-- Ginkgo biloba                                                                                       14.1                            13.6                            88.9
-- Evening primrose oil                                                                                 -                                   -                                   -
-- Echinacea                                                                                                    -                                   -                                   -
-- St John's wort                                                                                              -                                   -                                   -
-- Other herbal dietary supplements                                                    11.2                              7.7                            44.8
- Non-herbal dietary supplements                                                       10.7                              9.6                            57.9
-- Calcium supplements                                                                        14.4                            10.1                            61.5
-- Mineral supplements                                                                          11.2                            12.1                            77.4
-- Fish oils                                                                                                 10.3                            10.3                            63.1
-- Protein powder                                                                                       8.4                              6.8                            39.1
-- Probiotic supplements                                                                              -                                   -                                   -
-- Eye health supplements                                                                           -                                   -                                   -
-- Royal jelly                                                                                                    -                                   -                                   -
-- Co-enzyme Q10                                                                                         -                                   -                                   -
-- Glucosamine                                                                                               -                                   -                                   -
-- Sam-E                                                                                                          -                                   -                                   -
-- Other non-herbal dietary supplements                                           13.4                              9.1                            54.9
- Combination dietary supplements                                                      8.3                              8.1                            47.9
Tonics and bottled nutritive drinks                                                       11.6                            11.3                            71.1
Child-specific vitamins and dietary                                                            -                                   -                                   -
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
                                                                                               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Folic acid                                                                               10.0                10.0                10.0                10.2                10.0
Other B vitamins                                                                  90.0                90.0                90.0                89.8                90.0
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
                                                                                                                   2006                           2007                           2008

Bone                                                                                                             4.6                              4.6                              4.8
Energy                                                                                                       11.4                            11.4                            11.8
General health                                                                                         62.2                            62.2                            62.7
Immune system                                                                                       20.4                            20.5                            19.5
Mental                                                                                                          0.0                              0.0                              0.0
Others                                                                                                          1.5                              1.3                              1.2
Total                                                                                                         100.0                          100.0                          100.0
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Company                                                                             2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Amway India Enterprises                                                   16.6                16.7                16.7                17.0                16.9
Dabur India Ltd                                                                      9.8                  9.9                10.9                11.0                11.8
Heinz India Pvt Ltd                                                                6.8                  6.5                  6.2                  6.2                  6.1
Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                                                    4.3                  4.1                  4.3                  4.6                  4.6
Pfizer Ltd                                                                                 4.9                  4.7                  4.6                  4.6                  4.6
GlaxoSmithKline                                                                    3.4                  3.3                  3.3                  3.7                  4.0
    Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                                                                              
Himalaya Drug Co, The                                                       3.7                  3.7                  3.7                  3.8                  3.8
Merck Ltd                                                                                 3.6                  3.5                  3.5                  3.5                  3.4
Franco-Indian                                                                         2.5                  2.6                  2.6                  2.8                  3.0
    Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd                                                                                                                                                       
Novartis India Ltd                                                                   2.6                  2.6                  2.6                  2.6                  2.6
Cadila Pharmaceuticals                                                       2.3                  2.4                  2.4                  2.4                  2.3
Emami Ltd                                                                              1.5                  1.5                  1.6                  1.7                  1.7
Dr Reddy's Laboratories                                                       1.2                  1.3                  1.3                  1.5                  1.6
Wockhardt Ltd                                                                        0.4                  0.4                  1.6                  1.6                  1.5
Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                  0.9                  1.0                  1.0                  1.0                  1.1
Shree Baidyanath                                                                  1.3                  1.2                  1.2                  1.1                  1.0
    Ayurved Bhawan Pvt Ltd                                                                                                                                                       
Piramal Healthcare Ltd                                                             -                       -                       -                       -                  0.8
Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd                                                       0.8                  0.8                  0.8                  0.8                  0.7
British Biologicals Ltd                                                           0.6                  0.6                  0.6                  0.6                  0.6
Universal Medicare Ltd                                                        0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5
Zandu Pharmaceutical                                                         0.6                  0.5                  0.6                  0.5                  0.5
    Works Ltd                                                                                                                                                                                 
Wipro Ltd                                                                                 0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.3
US Vitamins (India) Ltd                                                        0.3                  0.3                  0.3                  0.3                  0.3
Bayer (India) Ltd                                                                    0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
Glenmark                                                                                0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
    Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                                                                              
TTK Healthcare Ltd                                                               0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
Alembic Ltd                                                                             0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
Indian Drugs &                                                                       0.1                  0.1                  0.1                  0.1                  0.1
    Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                                                                              
Wyeth Ltd                                                                                0.1                  0.1                  0.1                  0.1                  0.1
Dumex India Pvt Ltd                                                              1.2                  1.2                       -                       -                       -
Others                                                                                    28.8                29.4                28.5                27.2                25.2
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2005               2006               2007               2008

Nutrilite                                          Amway India Enterprises                   16.7                16.7                17.0                16.9
Dabur                                             Dabur India Ltd                                      8.2                  8.8                  8.6                  9.0
Glucon D                                       Heinz India Pvt Ltd                                6.5                  6.2                  6.2                  6.1
Revital                                            Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                    3.2                  3.4                  3.7                  3.8
Becosules                                     Pfizer Ltd                                                 3.4                  3.4                  3.4                  3.4
Dexorange                                    Franco-Indian                                         2.6                  2.6                  2.8                  3.0
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Glucose-D                                     Dabur India Ltd                                      1.7                  2.1                  2.4                  2.8
Liv 52                                             Himalaya Drug Co, The                       2.5                  2.4                  2.5                  2.5
Haem Up                                      Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd                2.4                  2.4                  2.4                  2.3
Neurobion                                     Merck Ltd                                                 2.1                  2.1                  2.0                  2.0
Himani                                           Emami Ltd                                              1.5                  1.6                  1.7                  1.7
Becozinc                                       Dr Reddy's Laboratories                       1.3                  1.3                  1.5                  1.6
Zevit                                               GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.9                  0.9                  1.1                  1.3
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Calcium Sandoz                          Novartis India Ltd                                   1.3                  1.3                  1.3                  1.3
Pure Herbs                                   Himalaya Drug Co, The                       1.1                  1.2                  1.2                  1.2
Protinex                                         Wockhardt Ltd                                             -                  1.2                  1.2                  1.2
Zenbex-T                                       Pfizer Ltd                                                 1.1                  1.1                  1.1                  1.1
Shelcal                                          Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd                  1.0                  1.0                  1.0                  1.1
Baidyanath                                   Shree Baidyanath                                  1.2                  1.2                  1.1                  1.0
                                                        Ayurved Bhawan Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Polybion                                        Merck Ltd                                                 0.9                  0.9                  0.9                  0.9
Fefol                                               GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.6                  0.7                  0.8                  0.9
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Cobadex Forte                             GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.7                  0.7                  0.7                  0.7
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Celin                                              GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.8                  0.7                  0.7                  0.7
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Garlic Pearls                                 Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                    0.6                  0.6                  0.6                  0.6
B-Protin                                         British Biologicals Ltd                           0.6                  0.6                  0.6                  0.6
Evion                                              Merck Ltd                                                 0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5
Hematrine                                     Novartis India Ltd                                   0.4                  0.4                  0.5                  0.5
Neogadine Elixir                          Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd                       0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5
Seven Seas                                  Universal Medicare Ltd                        0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.4
Supradyn                                      Piramal Healthcare Ltd                             -                       -                       -                  0.4
Protinex                                         Dumex India Pvt Ltd                              1.2                       -                       -                       -
Others                                                                                                            34.1                33.2                31.8                30.1
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2005               2006               2007               2008

Nutrilite                                          Amway India Enterprises                   20.8                21.6                22.5                22.9
Becosules                                     Pfizer Ltd                                               18.3                18.4                18.3                18.5
Neurobion                                     Merck Ltd                                              11.2                11.1                10.9                10.7
Polybion                                        Merck Ltd                                                 4.6                  4.6                  4.8                  4.9
Cobadex Forte                             GlaxoSmithKline                                    3.5                  3.5                  3.7                  3.7
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Celin                                              GlaxoSmithKline                                    4.0                  3.7                  3.7                  3.6
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Evion                                              Merck Ltd                                                 2.8                  3.0                  2.9                  2.8
Supradyn                                      Piramal Healthcare Ltd                             -                       -                       -                  2.2
Winofit                                           Wockhardt Ltd                                        1.9                  1.9                  1.9                  1.9
Vi-Syneral                                     US Vitamins (India) Ltd                        1.7                  1.7                  1.6                  1.6
Riconia                                          Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                    1.2                  1.2                  1.3                  1.2
Becozyme                                     Piramal Healthcare Ltd                             -                       -                       -                  1.1
Nutrisan                                         Novartis India Ltd                                   1.0                  1.0                  0.9                  0.9
Becadexamin                               GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.8                  0.8                  0.7                  0.7
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Supractiv                                       Piramal Healthcare Ltd                             -                       -                       -                  0.7
Limcee                                          Piramal Healthcare Ltd                             -                       -                       -                  0.6
Surbex                                           Pfizer Ltd                                                 1.0                  0.6                  0.6                  0.6
Sukcee                                          Indian Drugs &                                       0.6                  0.6                  0.6                  0.5
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Chewcee                                       Wyeth Ltd                                                0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5
Multivite FM                                  Universal Medicare Ltd                        0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.4
Sclerobion                                    Merck Ltd                                                 0.3                  0.3                  0.3                  0.3
Supradyn                                      Nicholas Piramal India Ltd                  2.0                  2.0                  2.1                       -
Becozyme                                     Nicholas Piramal India Ltd                  1.0                  1.0                  1.0                       -
Limcee                                          Nicholas Piramal India Ltd                  0.7                  0.7                  0.7                       -
Supractiv                                       Nicholas Piramal India Ltd                  0.5                  0.5                  0.6                       -
Evion                                              E Merck (India) Ltd                                     -                       -                       -                       -
Neurobion                                     E Merck (India) Ltd                                     -                       -                       -                       -
Cell-C                                            Sarabhai Piramal                                       -                       -                       -                       -
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Limcee                                          Sarabhai Piramal                                       -                       -                       -                       -
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Chewcee                                       Wyeth Lederle Pvt Ltd                               -                       -                       -                       -
Others                                                                                                            21.1                20.7                20.2                19.6
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2005               2006               2007               2008

Nutrilite                                          Amway India Enterprises                   16.1                15.8                16.0                15.9
Dabur                                             Dabur India Ltd                                    10.2                11.0                10.8                11.2
Glucon D                                       Heinz India Pvt Ltd                                8.2                  7.8                  7.7                  7.7
Revital                                            Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                    4.0                  4.3                  4.6                  4.7
Dexorange                                    Franco-Indian                                         3.2                  3.3                  3.5                  3.7
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Glucose-D                                     Dabur India Ltd                                      2.2                  2.6                  3.0                  3.5
Liv 52                                             Himalaya Drug Co, The                       3.1                  3.0                  3.1                  3.2
Haem Up                                      Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd                3.0                  3.0                  2.9                  2.9
Himani                                           Emami Ltd                                              1.9                  2.0                  2.1                  2.2
Becozinc                                       Dr Reddy's Laboratories                       1.6                  1.6                  1.8                  2.0
Zevit                                               GlaxoSmithKline                                    1.1                  1.1                  1.4                  1.6
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Calcium Sandoz                          Novartis India Ltd                                   1.7                  1.7                  1.6                  1.6
Pure Herbs                                   Himalaya Drug Co, The                       1.4                  1.4                  1.5                  1.5
Protinex                                         Wockhardt Ltd                                             -                  1.5                  1.6                  1.5
Zenbex-T                                       Pfizer Ltd                                                 1.3                  1.4                  1.3                  1.3
Shelcal                                          Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd                  1.2                  1.2                  1.3                  1.3
Baidyanath                                   Shree Baidyanath                                  1.5                  1.5                  1.4                  1.3
                                                        Ayurved Bhawan Pvt Ltd                                                                                                   
Fefol                                               GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.8                  0.8                  1.0                  1.1
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Garlic Pearls                                 Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd                    0.8                  0.8                  0.8                  0.8
B-Protin                                         British Biologicals Ltd                           0.8                  0.8                  0.7                  0.7
Hematrine                                     Novartis India Ltd                                   0.5                  0.5                  0.6                  0.6
Seven Seas                                  Universal Medicare Ltd                        0.5                  0.5                  0.5                  0.5
Glucovita                                       Wipro Ltd                                                 0.5                  0.5                  0.4                  0.4
Ostocalcium                                 GlaxoSmithKline                                    0.3                  0.3                  0.4                  0.4
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Kesari Jivan                                  Zandu Pharmaceutical                         0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.4
                                                        Works Ltd                                                                                                                             
Threptin                                         Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd                       0.4                  0.4                  0.4                  0.3
Macalvit                                         Novartis India Ltd                                   0.3                  0.3                  0.3                  0.3
Glenseng                                      Glenmark                                                0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
                                                        Pharmaceuticals Ltd                                                                                                          
Ossopan                                        TTK Healthcare Ltd                               0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
Protinules                                      Alembic Ltd                                             0.2                  0.2                  0.2                  0.2
Protinex                                         Dumex India Pvt Ltd                              1.6                       -                       -                       -
Others                                                                                                            30.7                29.7                28.1                26.7
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2008               2009               2010               2011               2012               2013

Vitamins and dietary                           25,562.4        27,269.5        28,979.4        30,683.8        32,367.6        34,012.4
Vitamins                                                  4,691.4          4,941.7          5,187.4          5,427.2          5,658.0          5,877.7
- Multivitamins                                        2,898.2          3,102.2          3,305.3          3,505.6          3,700.8          3,888.9
- Single vitamins                                    1,793.2          1,839.5          1,882.1          1,921.6          1,957.2          1,988.9
-- Vitamin A                                                         -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Vitamin B                                                968.4          1,000.6          1,031.1          1,060.3          1,087.3          1,112.6
-- Vitamin C                                                573.3              583.5              592.2              599.7              606.0              610.7
-- Vitamin D                                                         -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Vitamin E                                                251.6              255.5              258.8              261.6              263.9              265.5
-- Other single vitamins                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
Dietary supplements                          20,470.5        21,897.0        23,330.7        24,765.1        26,188.1        27,584.2
- Herbal dietary                                      6,687.1          7,131.8          7,587.8          8,031.8          8,465.9          8,885.3
-- Garlic                                                       317.0              332.1              346.8              361.4              375.4              388.9
-- Ginseng                                               1,628.0          1,749.4          1,871.2          1,992.3          2,111.6          2,227.6
-- Ginkgo biloba                                             5.1                  5.6                  6.1                  6.6                  7.1                  7.5
-- Evening primrose oil                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Echinacea                                                        -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- St John's wort                                                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Other herbal dietary                           3,711.6          3,975.2          4,237.3          4,495.8          4,747.8          4,990.8
- Non-herbal dietary                            13,783.3        14,765.3        15,742.9        16,733.3        17,722.2        18,698.9
-- Calcium supplements                          963.5          1,054.3          1,147.2          1,241.1          1,337.3          1,434.4
-- Mineral supplements                        5,766.7          6,197.1          6,629.3          7,059.1          7,482.2          7,893.9
-- Fish oils                                                   106.4              113.3              120.2              127.0              133.7              140.2
-- Protein powder                                   4,258.3          4,466.6          4,671.9          4,877.4          5,080.8          5,279.4
-- Probiotic supplements                                  -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Eye health supplements                               -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Royal jelly                                                        -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Co-enzyme Q10                                             -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Glucosamine                                                   -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Sam-E                                                              -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
-- Other non-herbal                                2,415.9          2,649.6          2,892.7          3,143.8          3,401.1          3,662.6
    dietary supplements                                                                                                                                                              
- Combination dietary                           1,298.0          1,353.8          1,408.0          1,460.6          1,511.2          1,558.9
Tonics and bottled                                    400.5              430.8              461.3              491.6              521.5              550.5
    nutritive drinks                                                                                                                                                                         
Child-specific vitamins                                     -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
    and dietary supplements                                                                                                                                                      
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% constant value growth
                                                                                                            2008-13 CAGR                                 2008/13 TOTAL

Vitamins and dietary supplements                                                                    5.9                                                      33.1
Vitamins                                                                                                                  4.6                                                      25.3
- Multivitamins                                                                                                        6.1                                                      34.2
- Single vitamins                                                                                                    2.1                                                      10.9
-- Vitamin A                                                                                                                 -                                                             -
-- Vitamin B                                                                                                             2.8                                                      14.9
-- Vitamin C                                                                                                             1.3                                                        6.5
-- Vitamin D                                                                                                                 -                                                             -
-- Vitamin E                                                                                                             1.1                                                        5.6
-- Other single vitamins                                                                                             -                                                             -
Dietary supplements                                                                                             6.1                                                      34.8
- Herbal dietary supplements                                                                              5.8                                                      32.9
-- Garlic                                                                                                                    4.2                                                      22.7
-- Ginseng                                                                                                               6.5                                                      36.8
-- Ginkgo biloba                                                                                                     8.2                                                      48.5
-- Evening primrose oil                                                                                             -                                                             -
-- Echinacea                                                                                                                -                                                             -
-- St John's wort                                                                                                          -                                                             -
-- Other herbal dietary supplements                                                                  6.1                                                      34.5
- Non-herbal dietary supplements                                                                     6.3                                                      35.7
-- Calcium supplements                                                                                       8.3                                                      48.9
-- Mineral supplements                                                                                        6.5                                                      36.9
-- Fish oils                                                                                                                5.7                                                      31.8
-- Protein powder                                                                                                   4.4                                                      24.0
-- Probiotic supplements                                                                                          -                                                             -
-- Eye health supplements                                                                                       -                                                             -
-- Royal jelly                                                                                                                -                                                             -
-- Co-enzyme Q10                                                                                                     -                                                             -
-- Glucosamine                                                                                                           -                                                             -
-- Sam-E                                                                                                                      -                                                             -
-- Other non-herbal dietary supplements                                                          8.7                                                      51.6
- Combination dietary supplements                                                                  3.7                                                      20.1
Tonics and bottled nutritive drinks                                                                      6.6                                                      37.5
Child-specific vitamins and dietary supplements                                               -                                                             -
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Brand ranking
General health


Immune system
Dabur Chyawanprash

Liv 52

Himami Sona Chandi Chyawanprash
Sports/energy/weight loss support
Glucon D





Calcium Sandoz

Nutrilite Bone Health with Ipriflavone
Himalaya Pure Herbs
Source:           Trade press (The Economic Times. Hindu Business Line, Business Standard), company research, store checks, trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates