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Sunday 27 April 2014

Usage of Tractors in India


Tractors are multi-purpose vehicles used for agricultural and commercial purposes. Farmers purchase the vehicles primarily for agricultural purpose. However, they are also used for commercial purposes. Taking into consideration the short period for which tractors can be deployed in agricultural operations, it is not economically viable for farmers to use them solely for farming. Pre-independence, tractors were mainly used for land reclamation. Currently, they are extensively used in farming operations and for transportation purposes in rural areas. Tractors are also used in specified segments such as airports for hauling luggage.

Agricultural usage

Land reclamation

In the 1950s and early 1960s, tractors were mainly used for reclamation and developing of cultivable land. However, currently, the usage of tractors for land reclamation is negligible.

Farming operations

In farming operations, tractors are used for the preparation of the seedbed, irrigation and harvesting. The main advantage of using tractors is the reduced time taken for the preparation of the seedbed and the facilitation of deeper irrigation. Traditionally, family members carried out the first two activities, while the latter was carried out by hired or permanent labour. However, with the rise in the number of nuclear families and the shortage of rural labour, tractors are increasingly being used for all farming activities.

Typically, a farmer would use a tractor for farming for around 15 days in a year, depending on the cropping intensity and soil conditions. In addition, a tractor is used for 2-3 days for tilling and the preparation of the seedbed. However, this could vary with soil conditions. It is used for another 8-10 days for harvesting and other operations such as threshing, and 1-2 days for transporting the produce to the marketplace. The proportion of use increases in case of multiple crops.

Custom hiring

A farmer uses his tractor for 2-3 days for tilling his farm. For the rest of the tilling season, he rents his tractor on an hourly basis to other farmers who do not own tractors. Typically, in a village with a population of 1,000 persons, 4-5 farmers own tractors and lend it to other farmers. During the non-peak season, farmers also rent tractors to rural contractors for commercial use.

Power source

Farmers require power for conducting agricultural operations. In most states, there is an acute shortage of power, which affects farming activities. Tractors are the main source of power in country farms, providing 60-70 per cent of the power requirement of a mechanised farm, while the remaining is provided by labourers, draught animals, pump-sets and generators. The power requirement increases, especially during tilling and the preparation of land. Tractors are also used as a source of power for operating agricultural implements.

Power could be in the form of mobile power for tilling, harvesting and cultivation, or stationery power for operating bore-wells, threshing and fuel-grinding. Tractors replace human power required for tilling, harvesting and cultivation by providing mobile power. They also provide stationery power through the use of the power takeoff (PTO) shaft. Tractors are provided with a spare PTO shaft, which can be attached to any motor or gear for running the required equipment. Hence, a motor for operating a bore-well, a thresher or any other machine can be easily operated using a tractor.

Table 3: Tractors - horsepower output for various farm inputs

Electric motor
Power crusher and thresher
Diesel engine
Power tiller
Source: CRISIL Research

Commercial usage

Rural transportation

Tractors are extensively used in the transportation of passengers and goods such as fodder and food grains from rural areas to the nearest marketplace. This includes transportation of the produce from the farm to the marketplace for sale. The farmer attaches a trailer to the tractor for transporting passengers and goods.

Rural construction and road-building

Tractors are also used in the transportation of soil, stones and construction equipment by contractors undertaking rural work contracts such as canal-building, construction of dams and rural roads.


Tractors are also used in jungle/patch clearing. However, this is a marginal activity for most farmers.

Urban usage

In recent years, airlines, hotels and resorts are using tractors in the 40 HP and above segment for hauling luggage. However, the proportion of such usage is very low.

In developed countries, lower HP tractors are used in gardening, horticulture and hobby farming. However, in India, activities such as hobby farming are not expected to develop on a large scale over the next 3-4 years. Hence, tractor usage for these activities is expected to be marginal.

In future, tractors are expected to continue to be used largely for agricultural, rural construction and transportation purposes in the country. In urban areas, tractor usage is expected to remain low due to the abundant availability of low-cost manpower.