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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Pulses in France-Market Report

Pulses in France-Market Report

  • Overall sales of pulses increase by 1% in 2010 to reach 122,000 tonnes
  • Pulses performs well in 2010 as consumers are willing to diversify their food preferences and they have good nutritional qualities
  • Peas records one of the highest growth rate of just over 1% to reach 27,000 tonnes
  • Sales of pulses are expected to grow by a CAGR of just under 1% over the forecast period
  • Sales of pulses increased at a moderate pace in 2010. Strong communication efforts and diversification of offers made by producers enabled consumption of pulses to be maintained in France. Additionally, pulses benefited from an image as having nutritional qualities and good taste. As a result, consumption of pulses was able to grow.
  • In the context of the review period, the positive growth in pulses in 2010 was identical to the review period CAGR. TV government campaigns about consuming five portions of fruits and vegetables a day helped pulses to perform well in 2010. Such campaigns had a direct impact on consumption as the French were more aware of diversifying their food, giving opportunities for pulses to grow.
  • Peas performed well in 2010. The positive growth continued to be driven by the popularity of peas in France. This is thanks to the product’s nutritional qualities such as iron and vitamins C and B9. Additionally, peas have some very sweet fibres. Therefore, peas can be very well tolerated by delicate bodies/organisms. Nutritional qualities were therefore an asset for favouring positive growth within pulses.
  • Other categories such as other pulses and beans also grew in 2010. This was driven by a comeback by home-made meals as the French spent more time cooking from scratch. Such a trend was boosted by a reduction in spending such as eating out. Healthy eating patterns also confirmed growing demand for such products. Other pulses and beans thus recorded positive growth over the review period.
  • Overall sales of pulses are expected to grow moderately at a CAGR of 1% over the forecast period. Healthy eating habits should favour this positive growth as consumers will be more willing to consume such products full of nutritional qualities. Additionally, ongoing TV government campaigns about consuming five portions of fruits and vegetables a day should make a strong positive impact on eating habits, hence the predicted positive growth over the forecast period.
  • As the importance of physical appearance is expected to make further inroads within French culture, consumers will pay more attention to what they eat, hence providing an opportunity for pulses to perform well over the forecast period. Nonetheless, competition from canned and frozen processed pulses could slow down the positive growth within fresh pulses due to increasing demand for convenience in terms of meal preparation.
  • Growing demand for healthy food and the economic downturn led the French to cook more at home than eating out in the late review period. As a result, this trend is expected to impact positively sales of pulses as an excellent opportunity to diversify consumers’ food intake. Based on a consumer panel survey conducted in 2006, 2007 and 2008, forecasts are expected to remain the same in terms of average consumption per household, hence an average per capita consumption of 1.9kg a year is expected within pulses.

  • Demand for convenience in terms of meal preparation could be a threat to positive growth in pulses. Product innovation such as ready meals within canned and frozen processed food like Les Timbales D’Aucy by Cecab Groupe could therefore be fierce competitors to pulses. Busy lifestyles could therefore generate further growing demand for microweavable products.