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Friday 25 April 2014

Pharmaceutical Management India

Dissertation Writing Help in Pharmaceutical Management in India

• Pharmaceutical manufacturing is classified into primary manufacturing and secondary manufacturing.

• Primary manufacturing consisting of bulk drugs, fermentation and biological products where as secondary manufacturing has formulations to its list.

• Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals ensures the continuous manufacturing of pharmaceuticals with quality parameters.

• Production operations in pharmacy comprise dosage forms (formulations such as tablets, capsules, liquid orals, injectables, eye and ear drops, ointments and the likes), bulk drugs, antibiotics and biological drugs.

• The various stages of production planning and control are active planning, action phase and ends with control phase.

• The Indian pharmaceutical industry ranks 17th with respect to exports value of bulk actives and dosage.

• Materials management is the branch of logistics that deals with the tangible components of a supply chain. It basically deals with the raw materials procurements, obtaining machines and maintenance of the plant.

• Materials management is an organisational concept, which has authority and responsibility of all activities mainly concerned with the flow of materials in the organisation.

• Material management emphasizes the study of systems and equipments required for the movement of raw materials to ensure smooth and timely movement of all materials within the factory premise.
• The inventory control management enables in keeping a proper track of the material and in maintaining efficiency, reducing the waste and reducing the costs.

• Material handling is concerned with the movement, storage and control of material in any drug production process.

• Pharmaceutical marketing deals with the whole gamut of activities such as licensing of sales outlets/ stocking points, OTC and ethical drugs, advertising and promotion, packaging and labeling, distribution methods, brand names, restrictive trade practices and consumer protection.

• Pharmaceutical marketing is a specialized field where medical representatives form the backbone of entire marketing effort as they try to influence prescription pattern of doctors in favour of their brands.

• Broadly, the pharma companies classify the therapeutic groups based upon the end usage of the drugs into acute and chronic segments.

• The base of marketing strategies adopted by the Pharma companies can be described by two models core and super core model in acute and chronic segments

• Super Core Model involves the search for, and distribution of a small number of drugs from chronic therapy area that achieve substantial global sales.

• The success of Super Core Model depends on achieving large returns from a small number of drugs in order to pay for the high cost of the drug discovery and development process for a large number of patients.

• Core Model in which a larger number of drugs from acute therapy area are marketed to big diversified markets.

• The success of Core Model is not dependant on sales of a small number of drugs but presenting a large number of products and taking the advantage of opportunity cost.

• The basic flow of drugs with supply chain management in pharmaceutical industry starts with manufacturer, wholesaler, C&F agents, druggists, hospital and patients.

• Toxic and corrosive chemicals, fire, explosions and personnel falling into accidents are major health and safety hazards encountered in the operations of chemical and pharmaceutical related industries.

• Industrial safety or employee safety refers to the protection of workers from the danger of industrial accidents.

If you want Dissertations on Pharmaceutical Management, Contact Mahasagar Publications.