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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Marketing Strategy of Hot Drinks in Indonesia

Marketing Strategy of Hot Drinks in Indonesia

Hot Drinks in Indonesia
Positive economic outlook and evolving lifestyle trends boosts hot drinks
After many of the effects of the global economic downturn began to dissipate, improved levels of disposable income boosted the performance of hot drinks in 2010. The positive economic outlook also spurred on thriving businesses and boosted coffee consumption among the workforce. An advertising war between leading coffee manufacturers was welcomed as Indonesian consumers are easily influenced by advertising. Increasing urbanisation and health awareness also boosted the performance of other plant-based hot drinks which are perceived as meal substitutes. Consumption of other hot drinks also improved due to more widespread availability of economy brands able to tap into previously untouched middle and lower income consumer segments.
Market shaped by advertising war and coffee trend created by urbanisation
Manufacturers of coffee invested heavily in marketing activities within a highly competitive environment to stimulate consumer interest in 2010. An advertising war between leading coffee players as well as the investment of Unilever in boosting consumption of tea boosted the overall performance of hot drinks in 2010. The growing café culture as a means of socialising among young urban dwellers, as well as growing urbanisation in which people cram more activities into their daily schedules, also improved the performance of coffee sales. The growth of social media also played a part as consumers are spending more time online outside of school/work hours.
Domestic players lead in coffee and tea with hot drinks home to multinationals
Domestic manufacturers dominate coffee and tea due to their longstanding history and good understanding of local consumer tastes. This is especially true in coffee where local consumer preference continues to be fresh ground coffee over instant variants. Coffee tends to attract higher levels of brand attachment which multinationals find hard to shake. Meanwhile, off-trade volume sales of tea continue to be boosted by on-trade establishments which provide tea service with meals and the preference for economy products with a strong brand image and history where local manufacturers shine. Multinationals dominate other hot drinks due to a strong presence within flavoured powder drinks and malt-based hot drinks.
Traditional retailers remain significant despite emergence of modern formats
Other hot drinks are popular among consumers from all walks of life in Indonesia in both urban and rural areas. Despite rapid expansion of modern retailers in the review period, traditional retailers continued to account for significant share of total volume sales in 2010. Independent small grocers still made a greater contribution than supermarkets/hypermarkets in the review period despite being outperformed in terms of growth. Off-trade volume sales of hot drinks outperformed on-trade due to the preference of foodservice operators purchasing coffee and tea products from off-trade channels. Other hot drinks are unpopular via on-trade outlets.
Expectations of higher levels of disposable income in the forecast period
With a positive economic outlook, consumer purchasing power is expected to continue to gain strength over the forecast period. In line with growing health awareness, consumers are likely to increase their consumption of tea and other hot drinks. Despite being perceived as unhealthy, the consumption of coffee will continue to grow from strength to strength due to galloping urbanisation and higher pressure in the working environment brought about by thriving businesses and a strong economy.


Advertising war boosts consumer interest in and consumption of coffee

Leading manufacturers within coffee engaged in an advertising war in order to erode the market share of competing products. Besides increasing the stakes, this development stimulated consumer interest in coffee as Indonesian consumers remain heavily influenced by strategic marketing activities.
These activities were also supported by new product developments featuring novel and unique tastes, as well as additional ingredients such as ginger, ginseng, mocha, chocolate, caramel, cappuccino and mochaccino flavours. New launches also included products that feature foam, designed to create the experience of consuming coffee at cafés. Advertising also communicated these new products and their key differentiators over existing coffee products.

Current Impact

Leading manufacturers within coffee Mayora Indah, Santos Jaya Abadi and Nestlé invested heavily in integrated marketing campaigns in a bid to erode the volume share of their competitors. Due to Nestlé’s strength in instant coffee, the major direct competition is between Mayora Indah and Santos Jaya Abadi in fresh ground coffee which is preferred by the majority of local consumers. Nestlé, however, also made strides to emulate the strength of fresh ground coffee with instant coffee products with similar characteristics and communicated these in its advertisements. Furthermore, Nestlé invested in a campaign to introduce its new product line-up which features new blending technology that produces coffee with a richer aroma and flavour, in line with local consumer preferences.
Thanks to economic growth and higher levels of disposable income, consumers responded well to manufacturers’ strategies in developing coffee sales. Seeking a more sophisticated lifestyle, adventurous Indonesian consumers are generally open to new product developments offering new and unique taste experiences. The growing café culture also boosted consumer awareness of the types and unique tastes of various coffees. Manufacturers also responded to increasing consumer affluence by launching various types of coffee including new premium and value-added variants to take advantage of consumer demand.


The advertising war between leading manufacturers is expected to continue over the forecast period within a very competitive environment. Furthermore, new product launches by one manufacturer will be a direct threat towards a well established brand of another, all of which will lead to ongoing counter strategies.
Continuous brand development is also expected as manufacturers will attempt to approach new users while simultaneously maintaining a loyal consumer base. As coffee is a product with a high level of brand attachment, it is expected that manufacturers will continue investing in developing their brand and maintain consumer interest. Possible destinations for sponsorship investment will include news programmes and programmes that feature current/political issues. This will be in response to the more dynamic personalities of coffee consumers who like to stay up to date with all the latest trends and new developments.

Future Impact

Products will become more premium in response to manufacturers’ attempts to add differentiating elements to their products. Growing affluence will lend itself to a warm consumer response towards consumer goods offering sophistication while developments in coffee will make it well placed to take advantage of the trend.
With heavy investment in advertising on television and in the print media, an opportunity exists for manufacturers to create engaging events to create experiential marketing activities, inviting consumers to participate in interesting events. This will present an opportunity for brands to create higher levels of attachment with their target audience. With extensive investment in above-the-line channels, consumer response may grow weaker since advertising is perceived as noise. As such, a unique and fresh approach may set a brand or product apart from the rest. Or alternatively, manufacturers could sponsor a unique television programme to set it apart from other similar offerings.
There are also regional brands of coffee in Indonesia which focus on distribution in certain key cities. The all-consuming advertising war between leading brands of nationally distributed coffee ensures that these regional brands are unable to match them in terms of above-the-line exposure, which limits the strength of their brand image. Over the long run, these regional brands may have to choose a niche market in which to develop in order to be able to sustain and extend their presence within coffee. For example, this could include developing a premium variant to serve the affluent consumer segment or certain flavours of coffee that appeal to the younger generations including school children, university students or first jobbers, etc.

Café culture prevalent among young urban dwellers

Young urbanites including school children, teenagers and young adults are increasingly spending time in cafés and urban culinary hot spots to socialise with friends and families. The growing café culture is both influenced by the adoption of Western lifestyles and the nature of Indonesians who like to socialise. Growing affluence also stimulated the desire for more sophistication in lifestyle leading to increasing demand for indulgence products such as coffee and tea. Cafés also play a part as venues for meetings for work and social purposes.

Current Impact

Since the arrival of the Starbucks phenomenon in Indonesia, the café culture has grown from strength to strength. Followed soon after by Coffee Bean & Tea Leaves, other franchises emerged during the review period in both local and imported flavours. Investments in chained café franchises blossomed in the review period due to low interest rates. The emergence of social media only boosted this trend as cafés are increasingly perceived by young consumers as hot spots in which to socialise and hang out.
The consumption of coffee increased as an indulgence product, part of urban lifestyles and culture in addition to being consumed as a product to help the user stay awake. Demand for premium coffee products in particular increased due to higher interest fuelled by the penetration of cafés and consumer education in the art of coffee.


The growth of the café culture is expected to gain momentum over the forecast period with both local and overseas franchises increasing their presence in key cities in Indonesia with high concentration of young urban consumers. Culinary hot spots are also increasingly put coffee higher up on their list of priorities in the review period with an increasing presence of McCafé and KFC Coffee as well as the availability of boutique cafés at upscale restaurants and hotels.
Coffee consumption outside the home is expected to increase interest in coffee as it forms a big part of the lifestyle of young consumers. Coffee products available at retail outlets are also gaining sophistication as they seek to emulate the experience of drinking at cafés. The trend also boosted the popularity of Italian speciality coffee such as cappuccinos.

Future Impact

The high profile image of internationally recognised cafés only serves to improve the image of coffee in the eyes of the consumers. This benefits coffee as a sophisticated indulgence product, which may improve its performance despite the rise in health and wellness trend and the negative perception that coffee contains addicting substances and regular consumption may lead to health risks in later life. Coffee products are in turn becoming more premium with higher demand for sophistication.
The growth of the café culture is expected to boost the expansion of coffee specialists. In addition to coffee specialists, other foodservice retailers are also focusing more on coffee. These include restaurants, ice cream parlours, cheese cake shops, pastry cafés and even chocolatiers. Manufacturers of coffee will also court foodservice operators to market their products to produce coffee-flavoured cakes, ice creams, chocolates and other desserts. Foodservice outlets may also serve as partners to market brands of coffee and their presence in urban hot spots may also act as a form of advertising.

The emergence of flavoured hot drinks

The review period witnessed the emergence of flavoured hot drinks in Indonesia. In addition to advertising wars, manufacturers were keen to add differentiating elements to their products within a very competitive environment. As a consequence, many new and unique flavours of hot drinks became available in the review period.

Current Impact

Some of the most recent flavours of hot drinks included ginseng, ginger, mochaccino, cappuccino, brown sugar, chocolate and caramel flavoured coffee. In addition to new flavour variants, coffee also features foam or the addition of chocolate granules to emulate the café experience. Fruit flavoured and lemon tea bags are also increasingly available in Indonesia as new variants to entice consumer interest in the category. Other plant-based hot drinks are also marketed with new unique flavours such as ginger. Ginger is well known as a traditional herb for its efficacy in warming the body and curing common ailments such as colds and flu during colder rainy seasons.
Some of these flavours are not entirely new to the country, but had previously only been adopted by brands serving a niche segment. Leading manufacturers of hot drinks are also emulating the flavours offered by these niche and imported products to make popularly accepted flavours of hot drinks available to the masses with well-established brands.


New and unique flavours offer a refreshing approach to hot drinks and the more dynamic younger audiences will warmly receive these product developments. There are a large number of consumers who are still untouched and new and unique approaches by manufacturers will provide them with the opportunity of developing an interest in coffee. Fruit flavours are also a popular way to approach younger audiences. Older consumer groups are less likely to try out or adopt these new flavours for repeat consumption as they are generally only interested in consuming more traditional flavours.
The young average age of the Indonesian population and growing affluence in the review period are expected to boost the performance of flavoured hot drinks. Despite increased availability of flavoured hot drinks, the large majority of sales are still expected to come from traditional flavours. This is attributed to the vast majority of consumers who still belong to middle and lower income groups in Indonesia. Nonetheless, these developments will serve their purpose of approaching their intended target audience.

Future Impact

Several flavours of hot drinks are available with limitations, such as niche pricing strategy or limited distribution. Opportunities will remain for a host of other flavours or existing brands to explore other possible flavours which will further intensify the competitive environment. Among those, several will be more successful than others in terms of being adopted by a mass audience.
Despite the trend of new and unique flavours of hot drinks, manufacturers will need to respond to consumer demand for traditional flavours of hot drinks for daily consumption. The traditional and widely accepted flavours are still expected to form the backbone of volume sales over the long term. Opportunities will exist for products offering slight variations of accepted flavours such as milk coffee, black coffee, aromatic tea or chocolate-flavoured other hot drinks. Slight additions or changes in ingredients are expected to be the most accepted developments by the majority of consumers.
Flavoured variants of hot drinks are somewhat similar to RTD soft drinks to some extent. The popularity of flavoured variants of hot drinks may put them in more direct competition with soft drinks. The growing demand for convenience, however, favours soft drinks over hot drinks.

Urban lifestyles drive demand for coffee

Increasingly demanding urban lifestyles are leading to higher consumption of coffee among Indonesians. Urbanisation is leading to lifestyle changes which involve cramming more activities into packed schedules for both the workforce as well as students. The growing demand for quick-fix solutions boosted the consumption of coffee as a means of staying up late in order to prepare and perform for work/school.

Current Impact

The positive economic outlook is leading to a thriving business community, especially after the negative effects of the global economic downturn have begun to dissipate. This in turn is leading to overloading of the workforce as it is culturally acceptable to keep the number of employees in an organisation to a minimum in Indonesia. This development will lead to higher consumption of coffee for workers helping them to cope with demanding schedules.
The emergence of football as a sport in the country also affected coffee consumption as male consumers often stay up late to watch football matches. This was also boosted by the media hype around sporting events such as the World Cup in 2010. Indonesians are easily influenced by strategic advertising and now often watch football matches as part of their lifestyle. Besides coffee, male consumers also consume energy drinks in both RTD and powder concentrates format in order to perform at work after staying up late watching football matches on television.
Changing urban lifestyles also affect college and high school children who have to get used to the rigours of everyday life. In addition to school, many urban students also take classes after school to develop their skills or their hobbies. Demanding studies and social schedules boosted the consumption of coffee as it is believed to boost performance levels. Both students and young adults are also embracing the emergence of social media and spending more time online outside of school/work, further boosting overall coffee consumption.


Despite the already strong development of the health and wellness trend, this trend is expected to grow further in line with increasing urbanisation. The positive economic outlook over the forecast period is expected to continue serving businesses well and the workforce will continue being overloaded with work. The penetration of social media in Asia is expected to accelerate as school children are introduced to the internet at a younger age than previous generations. The football fad is also expected to continue affecting coffee consumption over the forecast period.
The performance of coffee sales is likely to accelerate due to the growing café culture where coffee is consumed as an indulgence product. In addition to consuming coffee for its caffeine boost, urbanites are increasingly consuming coffee as part of their lifestyle as cafés form a key element in their socialising activities. The growing number of coffee specialists will only serve to further spread the art of enjoying speciality coffee to a wider audience of urban dwellers.

Future Impact

The popularity of quick-fix solutions to problems is also waning thanks to better education levels and the culture of solving problems by addressing them at the root instead of using temporary solutions. Coffee is perceived as a quick-fix solution to present problems and the growing health and wellness trend is likely to affect coffee consumption going forward.
In line with health and wellness awareness and higher education levels, consumers are becoming smarter and in the long run may shun quick-fix solutions such as coffee, which is perceived to cause health problems over the long term. This may affect coffee consumption and consumers could turn to other drinks for their caffeine boost such as tea, which contains around half the caffeine content found in coffee. Vitamin supplements such as vitamin B are also perceived as having the same effect as coffee in terms of boosting stamina and energy levels to perform at work/school. Vitamin supplements may replace coffee and energy drinks in RTD and powder concentrates formats as they are perceived to be healthy energy boosters.

Health tea popular among young women

In line with the growing health and wellness trend, manufacturers of tea are marketing health enhancing products targeting young urban women. Blessed with higher levels of disposable income due to a positive economic outlook, urban ladies are responding well to these new product developments.

Current Impact

This development led to the launch of healthy teas in the review period which are marketed as both tea and jamu or the traditional Indonesian herbal solutions to health problems. In addition to known efficacy for the health, herbal solutions are also known to have no side effects as they are of natural plant ingredients and not chemically produced. Consumer trust in such products continues to be high, especially since some healthy tea products are endorsed by leading brands in cosmetics and beauty, such as Mustika Ratu and Sari Ayu.
Such launches include Lokol Tea which is a tea bag product to help reduce cholesterol levels manufactured by Mustika Ratu. The company markets the product in hypermarkets by setting up stands to introduce the product to its intended audience and provide free samples. This launch complements the company’s other products such as Slimming Tea and Tox Tea for detoxification.
In addition to product launches, healthy tea and slimming tea products were also regularly marketed with seminars and exhibitions during the review period. Young urban females have responded very well to the growing health and wellness trend and the natural characteristics of such solutions since consumer trust in chemically produced slimming products is relatively low due to the perceived possible side effects.


The growing demand for health enhancing products is expected to continue to gain strength over the forecast period in line with increasing affluence and the growing health and wellness trend. In order to enjoy their improved lifestyles, young urban females will increasingly place more importance on health and wellness for their families and themselves.
The social nature of Indonesians, especially females, is expected to accelerate the spread of product and brand knowledge through word of mouth. Direct selling comprehensive slimming and health products are expected to pose a challenge to consumer goods available via retail outlets. Certain brands of tea, such as WRP, offer a comprehensive solution including slimming sugar, tea and meal replacement. WRP also operates an upscale WRP Diet Center to offer consultation for beauty and slimming programmes. These comprehensive solutions and consultation centres may leverage certain brands above others which only offer slimming tea products or simply make their products available via retail channels.

Future Impact

Despite the increased availability of health and slimming tea, these products are still marketed as premium products serving a niche market of young, affluent, urban females. This presents an opportunity for health and slimming teas which are friendlier in terms of price to tap into the middle-income consumer segment in line with the growing health and wellness trend.

Led by the affluent sector of the population, the trend towards healthy tea and other hot drinks is expected to trickle down to reach other income segments. Opportunities will exist to market the anti-oxidants present in green tea, or other functional benefits of hot drinks towards the majority of consumers who belong to the middle-income segment and whom are also becoming increasingly health conscious.