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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Company Analysis Report

Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Company Analysis Report

Company overview

Incorporated in New Jersey in 1887, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is involved in the R&D, manufacturing and marketing of healthcare products. J&J has over 250 operating companies across the globe and operates through three business segments: consumer, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices and diagnostics.

Table 10: J&J snapshot
New Jersey, US
Consolidated revenue (FY2009)
OTC revenue (FY2009)
Employees (2009)
Source: Company reports
The consumer segment comprises baby care, skincare, oral care, wound care, women's health, nutritionals and OTC pharmaceutical products. Its major brands include Aveeno, Band-aid, Clean & Clear, Listerine, Neutrogena, Reach, Johnson's and Lubriderm. Key brands in its OTC product portfolio include Zyrtec, Tylenol, Motrin, Pepcid, Benadyrl and Nicorette.
The pharmaceutical segment comprises products in multiple therapeutic categories including: anti-infective, antipsychotic, cardiovascular, contraceptive, dermatology, gastrointestinal, hematology, immunology, neurology, oncology, pain management, urology and virology. Key brands include Remicade, Risperdal, Consta, Duragesic, Prezista, Velcade, Concerta, Invega and Procrit.
The medical devices and diagnostics segment comprises products that are used by physicians, nurses, therapists, hospitals, diagnostic laboratories and clinics. The product range includes: circulatory disease management products; orthopedic joint reconstruction, spinal care and sports medicine products; surgical care, aesthetics and women’s health products; blood glucose monitoring and insulin delivery products.
J&J has a decentralized management structure, with each subsidiary being managed by the local representatives. However, J&J also has an executive committee to oversee the operations and resource allocation for each subsidiary.

Leading consumer healthcare products

R&D: consumer healthcare
J&J's consumer R&D activities are focused on the development of new products and improving existing products. It also provides technical and regulatory support in the process of developing and improving products. In 2009, the company invested around $7bn in R&D activities accounting for 11.3% of its total revenues. New products introduced by J&J in the last five years accounted for almost 25% of sales in 2009.
In 2009, J&J invested $632m in R&D for its consumer segment, around 4% of the total revenues of the segment. Although the company invests less in the R&D activities of its consumer segment than in the pharma segment, the amount was slightly higher than the previous year. R&D activities in pharmaceuticals, require more investment. In 2009, the company invested $4.6bn (20.4% of pharmaceutical segment sales) on R&D in the pharmaceutical segment, the most out of any other categories. Most of the consumer healthcare products are existing products switched from the prescription drug portfolio, and thus require lower R&D investment.

Financial performance

In 2009, the company recorded revenues of $61.9bn, witnessing a decline of 2.9% over 2008. The decline in sales was primarily due to the economic downturn, patent expiry and increased competition. The consumer segment recorded revenues of $15.8bn, a decline of 1.6% over 2008. The OTC and nutritional division also witnessed a decline of 4.5% to reach $5.6bn. This was primarily due to the lower sales of Zyrtec, an anti-allergen launched in 2008, and negative currency conversion impact. The key OTC brand Tylenol also faced quality issues which led to recalls of the product. However, the company claims that the recall did not have a significant impact on sales. In January 2010, J&J as a precautionary measure again undertook a voluntary recall of Tylenol and certain other OTC products including Benadryl and Motrin. Tylenol was already under scrutiny for the side effects of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in the drug. This is expected to have a significant impact on the sales of Tylenol in the US. The baby care and women’s health divisions also recorded declines of 4.5% and 0.8%, respectively, while the sales of the skincare segment grew by 2.5%.
Table 11: J&J's consolidated financial performance, FY2009
Y-o-Y growth FY2008–09 (%)
Total revenues
Operating income
Source: Company reports
In 2009, the pharmaceutical segment recorded sales of $22.5bn, a decline of 8.3% over 2008, while the medical devices and diagnostics segment witnessed an increase of 1.9% and reached $23.6bn. In 2009, the operating profit of the consumer and pharmaceutical segments witnessed a year-on-year decline of 5%, primarily due to restructuring. However, the operating profit for the medical devices and diagnostics segment witnessed a growth of 6.5%, primarily due to its product mix, manufacturing efficiencies and cost control initiatives.

Table 12: J&J's segmental performance of consumer healthcare, FY2009
Sales FY2009 ($m)
Y-o-Y growth FY2009–08 (%)
OTC pharmaceuticals and nutritionals
Skin care
Baby care
Women's health
Oral care
Wound care/other
Total consumer healthcare
Source: Company reports

Growth strategies

Acquisition to build-on consumer segment
In 2006, J&J acquired the consumer healthcare portfolio of Pfizer, in an attempt to strengthen its market share in the consumer healthcare industry. The acquisition led to the diversification of J&J's product portfolio and resulted in the company gaining a leading position in nine additional categories including smoking cessation, mouthwash and skin care. The acquisition added brands such as Nicorette, Sudafed and Listerine to J&J's product portfolio, and also provided J&J with the OTC switch rights for Zyrtec after patent expiry.
Focus on building strong brands

J&J intends to grow its market beyond the developed countries and for its medical devices and diagnostics segment, the company has already started to target emerging markets including the BRIC nations. The company is expected to pursue a similar strategy for its consumer segment going forward. J&J is also actively collaborating with the Chinese government to establish a Chinese OTC legislation framework. The company has opened an in-house OTC department in China, with an aim to conduct regular meetings with the Chinese pharmaceutical authorities, as the experience of Chinese authorities in the OTC market is limited. Although recently, there have been some recalls made by the company for its key OTC brands in the US due to quality issues, the company claims that the recall has not affected sales.