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Sunday 27 April 2014

Fee fixation in private technical institutions

Fee fixation in private technical institutions

General principles of fee determination

The policy guidelines seek to ensure a fair fee structure to all concerned, that is, the students/their guardians, the management, and faculty members/employees. A bedrock of the policy is also to avoid commercialisation and profit-making while simultaneously ensuring maintenance of standards and upkeep of facilities/assets. Keeping these as prime considerations, the following have been identified as the broad general principles for fixing of fees:
·        Prevention of profit making and ensuring the principle of no-profit - no-loss
·        Without diluting the fundamental concern of avoiding commercialisation, to make allowance in the fee so as to provide for replacement and upgradation of facilities
·        Providing for a transparent and intelligible procedure for fee determination
·        Bringing all private unaided institutions within the purview of the scheme
·        Involving the state governments concerned in the process of fee determination.


The policy guidelines apply to the following:
·        Self-financing institutions imparting technical education as defined under the AICTE Act, including institutions imparting Post-Graduate Education in Management
·        Colleges, affiliated to the universities, operating on ‘no grant -in-aid' basis
·        Deemed to be universities operating on self-financing basis

Committee in charge for determination of fees

Tuition and other fees for a professional college or class of professional colleges are determined by a state-level committee, which consists of the following members:
·        The vice chancellor of one of the universities in the state, nominated by the state government
·        One of the secretaries in-charge of the Technical education and finance departments of the State government or their nominees
·        Three experts, one each in economics, cost accountancy, and institutional finance, nominated by the AICTE
·        Director of Technical Education of the State
·        Other eminent persons (eg. retired judges of Supreme Court etc.)

Procedure adopted by the committee

The committee will give an opportunity to the institutions concerned to furnish such material as they consider relevant for fixing the fees. The committee has the power to demand information and details, which it considers relevant, from the institutions. To carry out its functions smoothly, the bodies put down action-calendars and deadlines for compliance of the institutions concerned and for completing the committee's own tasks.

The committee can determine different rates of fee for institutions falling in different classes, if a classification is justified on intelligible and objective criteria, and is free to fix different rates for institutions located in rural areas. The UGC and AICTE, as the case may be, will have power to call for information and clarifications from the committees.

While determining the fees chargeable, the committee is duty bound to ensure that fee does not become a source of profit or commercialisation for the institutions concerned. This approach is in conformity with the pronouncements of the court in cases dealing with fee determination.

Fee determination

The total fee will be based on two broad categories - tuition fees and development fees. Besides this, the management of the institutions can realise the actual costs of boarding and mess from students, provided the costs are deemed reasonable by the relevant committee.

Tuition fees will seek to recover the actual cost of imparting education. While assessing a fair tuition fee, the committee will take the following factors into account:
·        Salary and allowances including bonus, if admissible, to teaching and non-teaching employees
·        Expenditure on administrative services
·        Cost of maintenance of laboratories including consumables
·        Contingent expenditure including statutory requirements like audit fee etc.
·        Cost of acquisition of books and journals for libraries
·        Maintenance of buildings and other assets including rents and tariffs

The UGC and AICTE will forthwith prepare norms relating to staffing and scale of expenditure for other items, wherever such norms have not so far been worked out, to the extent feasible. In case it is difficult to lay down specific quantified norms, the relevant committee will satisfy itself about the adequacy and reasonableness of the expenditure involved, and will ensure that the figures are not inflated.

As the policy prohibits commercialisation and profit making, the institutions concerned cannot claim any return on investments. This, however, should not come in the way of the institutions in mobilising resources for replacement and up-gradation of assets. It is also considered desirable that the development fee could aid partial capital cost recovery for the management (but not a return on investment) and serve as a resource for upkeep and replacement.

Development fee may be at flat rates, determined every 3 years by the AICTE and UGC, as the case may be. Different rates may be prescribed for free/merit”, and ‘foreign/NRI' seat holders. These bodies can also classify institutions in different categories for the purposes of prescribing different slabs.

In the first 10 years, it would be open to the managements to appropriate up to half of the proceeds of the development fee or the actual capital cost, whichever is lower. The remaining half will have to be utilised for up-gradation and replacements in the first 10 years, and thereafter the entire proceeds will have to be utilised for the same purposes.

As the fee chargeable will be notified by the relevant committee, it is the duty of the statutory body concerned to communicate the rate of development fee to such bodies well in advance to enable the committee to suitably incorporate such rates in its notification. The UGC/AICTE will take into account the views and suggestions of the private institutions, the state government and interested members of public while determining these rates.

Maintenance of fee accounts

Institutions are required to maintain two accounts - maintenance accounts and development accounts. The proceeds of tuition fees and cost recovery of boarding etc will be credited to the maintenance account. This account will be maintained in two parts - (a) pay and allowance and (b) other expenditure. All recurring expenditure will be met from this accounts and brought to account under these two parts.

At least half the proceeds of development fee will be credited to the development account in the first 10 years, after which this account will receive the entire proceeds of this fee. Miscellaneous receipts of the institution would also be credited to the same account. The proceeds of this fee would be utilised for procurement of equipments, books and journals and acquisition of assets. It will be open to the management to debit expenditure on improvement of faculty also to this account.

The regulations of UGC and the AICTE will provide for audit of accounts of the relevant institutions to ensure that the financial management conforms to the broad framework of these guidelines and regulations.

Other procedural matters concerned with levy of fee

Fee once fixed will be valid for a period of 3 years, and will be payable in advance for a semester. Every December, each committee will specify the total fees payable per semester for the next year in two newspapers having wide circulation in the state concerned. This exercise should be carried out annually despite the fact that the rates once fixed will be in force for 3 years.

Institutions which levy fees at rates higher than those fixed, or fail to maintain accounts in the required manner, or are otherwise found to contravene the provisions of the appropriate regulations, are liable to have their permission/affiliation cancelled.