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Sunday 27 April 2014

Factors affecting the choice of a tractor

Factors affecting the choice of a tractor

It is very important for the farmer to choose a tractor which would be best suited for his needs. This would determine his farm productivity, future annual income, the repayment of the loan availed for the same and his capital formation capability, which would influence his decision to opt for a replacement after some years. The factors determining the choice of a tractor are:

·         Price of the tractor and margin money payable
The farmer's ability to purchase a particular type of tractor depends on price, which in turn depends on whether he intends purchasing a small, medium or high-powered tractor. It also depends on the additional implements and features opted for in the tractor. The farmer also takes into account whether the tractor is branded or assembled. Since nearly 90 per cent of the tractors are purchased through bank credit, the choice of a tractor would also depend on the extent of finance provided by the bank. Hence, given the low capital with the farmer, the higher margin money payable by him would affect his ability to purchase a higher-powered tractor.

·         Size of landholding 
The size of landholding has a direct impact on the size of the tractor to be used. Large farms, which have a large cropped area and higher cropping intensity, require high-powered tractors. Pre-monsoon operations such as tilling and sowing have to be completed in a limited time. These operations can be done faster using higher-powered tractors. Besides, if the output of a larger farm is higher, it would require a larger tractor for the transportation of same.

·         Nature of soil 
Smaller tractors are more suited for soft soil conditions, as conducting agricultural operations on it requires lower-powered tractors. In India, the northern states of Punjab, Haryana and the western parts of Uttar Pradesh have relatively soft soil, and hence, the demand for small tractors is high in these regions. In the southern and western regions, the soil is relatively hard, and hence, there is higher demand for medium and large tractors.

·         Crop mix
The crop mix and the nature of crops cultivated have a significant role in determining the choice of a tractor. Medium and large tractors are preferred for the cultivation of cash crops such as sugarcane and cotton, where the agricultural activity required for cultivating these cash crops is high, and the timeliness of operations is significant. Similarly, in the case of intensive farming and multiple cropping, the land bed preparation, harvesting and transportation needs to be done quickly, and therefore, high power tractors are preferred.

·         Replacement demand
The life of a tractor is estimated at around 15 years, though the actual usage could vary, depending on the soil and cropping conditions. Usually, the farmer who is replacing a tractor would want to upgrade to a higher-powered tractor. Therefore, the high replacement demand in states such as Punjab and Uttar Pradesh would be for the higher-powered tractors, given the increasing income levels and the existing tractor population of lower-powered tractors.

·         Purpose of use
The choice of a tractor depends on whether the customer is a farmer, who is purchasing the tractor for agricultural purposes, or a contractor, who would use it for commercial purposes such as in construction projects for the transportation of goods and materials. Higher powered tractors are preferred in construction projects.

·         Re-sale price of the tractor
A tractor is generally replaced after 8-10 years. But it is estimated that it still continues to be useful for around 15 years. Since the farmer tries to cover the margin money payment for a new tractor from the sale proceeds of the existing tractor, he takes into account the re-sale price which a particular tractor is expected to earn after it has been used for a certain number of years.