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Saturday 26 April 2014

Dog Food Market India

Dog Food in India- MARKET REPORT


·         Dog food current value sales grow by 21% in 2008 to reach Rs1.46 billion; volume sales grow by 12% to reach 12,964 tonnes
·         Dog food manufacturers begin using ingredients that are more familiar to owners to capitalise on the humanisation trend
·         Economy dry dog food shows the fastest growth in current value terms with an increase of 25%; dog treats is the most dynamic performer in volume terms with growth of 14%
·         Average unit prices increase by 8% in line with rising production and raw material costs, causing sector current value sales to grow faster than volume sales
·         Effem remains the clear leader in 2007 with a sector value share of 40%, followed by Ruskin Pet Products with a share of 12%
·         Dog food constant value sales are expected to grow at a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period to reach Rs2.52 billion in 2013; volume sales are expected to grow at a CAGR of 9% to reach 19,895 tonnes in the same year


·         In 2008, dog food manufacturers placed less emphasis on the functional benefits of their products and focused more on adding and promoting their use of ingredients that owners were familiar with. For example, a number of manufacturers began placing pictures of ingredients like meat, vegetables and milk on packaging for their products. These efforts to make dog food more 'palatable' to owners reflected the increasing humanisation of pets in India. Towards the end of the review period, many owners began to transfer their own expectations of food on to their dogs, and were reluctant to feed them anything that they themselves could not identify with. This trend was particularly strong in larger urban centres.
·         Restrictions on imports from the US and many European countries continued to hinder the development of the mid-priced and premium dog food segments towards the end of the review period. These restrictions were imposed to stop the spread of bird flu in India. Leading mid-priced dry dog food brands like Purina Dog Chow and Pro Pac, both of which are imported from the US, were worst affected. The situation was so bad that Purina Pet Care, manufacturer of Dog Chow, decided to fold up its Indian operations and withdraw from the pet food and pet care products market altogether. Midwestern's Pro Pac brand was not available in India throughout 2007 or at the beginning of 2008, but it is expected to reappear on retail shelves early in the forecast period provided import restrictions are eased.
·         Growth in dog food current value sales in 2008 was markedly faster than the CAGR recorded for the review period as a whole, while volume growth was only slightly faster than the 5-year CAGR. The acceleration in current value growth reflected price increases imposed by manufacturers seeking to offset rising production costs. Most consumers who buy prepared dog food products are middle or upper income earners and were therefore willing to accept price hikes, which contributed to the slight improvement in volume growth. Volume growth was also driven by growth in the pet dog population.
·         Average unit prices rose substantially in 2008, mainly due to rising production and raw material costs. Prices for leading brands like Pedigree increased sharply in line with the rising cost of standard dog food ingredients such as corn, oil, milk and meat. Dry dog food showed the biggest average unit price increase of 10%, while wet dog food showed an increase of 2%. Inflationary pressures also served to drive prices upwards. Average unit prices are likely to continue increasing over the forecast period.
·         Dry dog food continued to dominate the category in 2008, accounting for 85% of total dog food volume sales. Most owners find that dry dog food products are easier to handle and store; in particular, they are less likely to give off the same kind of strong odour as wet products after they have been opened. Many owners also perceive dry dog food products as offering better value for money.
·         Economy dry dog food showed the most dynamic development in current value growth terms in 2008. While this was partly due to the fact that it experienced a bigger increase in average unit prices than any other category, economy dry dog food also benefited as import restrictions limited the availability of mid-priced and premium brands, most of which are imported. Strong current value growth for economy dry dog food was also attributable to the successful introduction of more specialised or value-added products at higher price points. For example, Effem launched new products for dogs at different life stages, from puppies to adults, under its Pedigree brand. This trend towards greater segmentation was evident throughout dog food, with the premium segment witnessing the launch of new dog breed-, age- and size-specific variants under leading brands like Royal Canin.
·         Dog treats showed the fastest growth in volume sales of any dog food category in 2008. While this was partly due to the fact that it was still emerging from a very low base, strong volume growth also reflected the trend towards the humanisation of pets in India. In line with this trend, many owners became more willing to spoil or treat their dogs with dog biscuits, dog chews and other products. Strong volume growth also reflected competitive prices, with many domestic players present in the lucrative dog treats niche. Private label dog treats products were also offered by larger pet shops chains like Akbarally's.
·         While pet shops and veterinary clinics continued to dominate retail dog food distribution in 2008, during the review period the value share of the supermarkets/hypermarkets channel rose steadily in line with the expansion of leading chains like Reliance and Hyper City across India. To reach more consumers, leading dog food players entered into agreements with such chains to have their products listed in their outlets. Pet shops was the leading dog food distribution channel in 2008 with a value share of 49%, followed by veterinary clinics with 39% and supermarkets/hypermarkets with 10%.
·         The proportion of dog-owning households in larger India cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chandigarh increased rapidly towards the end of the review period. In smaller towns and rural areas, however, the number of dog-owning households remained very low. In 2008, it was estimated that just 3% of Indian households kept dogs as pets. The pet dog population was estimated at around 6.8 million. While large breeds such as German Shepherds and Labradors were the most popular, towards the end of the review period many urban dog owners showed an increasing preference for small breeds like Pugs and Pomerians, which are easier to look after and better suited to living in smaller city apartments and houses.
·         Prepared dog food products accounted for just over 1% of total dog food consumption in India in 2008. Most owners in the country feed their dogs on scraps or leftovers, occasionally supplementing this diet with prepared dog food products.

Competitive Landscape

·         Effem retained a commanding lead in dog food in 2007 with a value share of 40%, thanks mainly to the strength of its competitively priced Pedigree brand. Pedigree held the leading position in both wet and dry dog food. Because it is manufactured locally, Pedigree was one of the few multinational dog food brands to avoid the negative impact of import bans towards the end of the review period. Ruskin, which offers the Royal Canin brand, was the second leading dog food player in 2008 with a value share of 12%. Because Ruskin is active in the premium price segment, it does not compete directly with Effem. Leading the charge among domestic players in 2007 was Tetragon Chemie, claiming third place in dog food with a value share of 10%. The company's Nutripet brand is positioned alongside Pedigree, and appeals to price-conscious consumers.
·         Effem showed the most impressive performance of any dog food player in 2007, increasing its leading value share by four percentage points on 2006. This was largely attributable to the competitive prices of its Pedigree brand. Additionally, unlike other multinational brands, Pedigree was not affected by import restrictions and was therefore available all year round, ensuring a strong degree of consumer loyalty. Value share gains for Effem were also driven by the company's willingness to invest in expanding its distribution network and advertising its products on TV and in the print media. Midwestern showed the worst performance of any dog food company in 2007, with its value share declining by five percentage points. This share drop was attributable to the fact that its Pro Pac brand was not available in India throughout the year due to the ban on pet food imports from countries affected by bird flu.
·         While some brands were withdrawn from dog food towards the end of the review period due to the ban on imports from bird flu affected countries, there were a number of new launches in the category over 2007 and in the first half of 2008. With its Pro Pac brand absent from retail shelves for most of the year, in 2007 Midwestern decided to launch Propett in an effort to maintain its competitive position. Because it was imported in bulk from Brazil and repackaged in India, Propett was not affected by the import restrictions that proved so damaging to Pro Pac. In January 2008, Effem launched the Pedigree Professional range, which retails at a higher price than its standard Pedigree products. The company adopted a slightly different strategy for marketing and distribution of the Pedigree Professional range, making it available in non-grocery retailers channels such as pet shops, breeders' clubs and veterinary clinics. Pedigree Puppy Weaning Diet was the most promising new product in the range, as it specifically targets owners of young puppies, who are more inclined to spend money on improving and maintaining the health of their pets. The product also appeals to new owners who are unsure as to what they should feed their puppies for the first few months after they are weaned.
·         Effem was one of the few companies to invest heavily in building consumer awareness of its prepared dog food products throughout the review period. The company actively advertised its Pedigree brand in pet magazines and on TV. Most other manufacturers were only able to advertise in the print media due to financial constraints, and thus frequently sought to promote their brands by organising or sponsoring dog shows. In addition, some manufacturers also targeted their promotional efforts at dog breeders. In 2008, however, the most popular and effective promotional strategies remained ensuring that products were widely available and visible on retail shelves, and using vets and breeders to recommend brands.
·         Most premium dog food brands available in India are imported and sold through veterinary clinics, breeders' clubs and pet shops. Among the most popular premium brands in 2007 were Royal Canin, Eukanuba and Hill's Science Diet. These brands are usually only purchased by higher income dog owners. Mid-priced and economy brands are mainly sold through pet shops, supermarkets/hypermarkets and veterinary clinics. Economy products were by far the most popular in dry dog food in 2008, while wet dog food was dominated by mid-priced brands.
·         As dog food in India is still at an embryonic stage and consumer awareness about prepared products is low, retailers refrained from launching private label products in the category during the review period. The relatively low number of supermarkets/hypermarkets chains with the necessary financial resources also prevented the development of private label dog food products. However, large pet shops chains such as Akbarally's did introduce private label dog treats products to capitalise on the trend towards pampering and humanising pets in India. Many owners like to give their pets dog biscuits or dog chews as rewards during training.
·         Venky's and Tetragon were the biggest local manufacturers in dog food in 2007. Most other local companies were only active as importers and distributors. Among the most prominent of these was Midwestern, which imports dog food in bulk from overseas and repackages it in India. Most domestic players are present in the economy dog food segment or in dog treats. Multinationals meanwhile are mainly active in the premium and mid-priced segments. Effem was the only multinational with a significant presence in the economy segment in 2007; it was also one of the few foreign players to maintain production facilities in India.


·         Given the massive gap between prepared and non-prepared food in 2008, dog food retains plenty of room for further development over the forecast period. As a result, all categories are expected to show robust growth in volume and constant value terms. Volume and constant value growth rates will slow slightly towards 2013 in line with increasing maturity, but on the whole dog food will maintain its positive development as the pet humanisation trend gains momentum and the pet dog population continues to rise. Dog food will also benefit as manufacturers continue to launch new specialised or value-added products targeted at different breeds, sizes and life stages. Following the example of Effem with its Pedigree Professional range, a number of manufacturers are likely to launch products with specific functional benefits, such as the ability to help maintain a healthy coat or wean puppies off milk. At the same time, manufacturers throughout dog food will continue to add ingredients that are familiar and appealing to owners.
·         Dry dog food will continue to dominate the sector, and is expected to show faster growth in volume and constant value sales than wet dog food. Most dog food brands are available in dry format, and consumers prefer dry products as they are easier to serve and store. Dog treats is expected to show the fastest growth in volume sales of any category as it continues to emerge from a low base and capitalise on the trend towards humanising and pampering pets. However, demand for dog chews and similar products will continue to be concentrated among higher income urban dog owners. Economy dry dog food is expected to show the fastest growth in constant value terms. While this will be partly due to the fact that average unit prices in the category are expected to rise steadily, the fact that most economy dry dog food products are manufactured locally means it should continue to benefit as import restrictions limit the availability of more expensive imported brands. Effem's strong promotional support for its Pedigree brand will also contribute to the positive development of the category, as will competitive prices.
·         Bans and restrictions on imports of pet food from countries affected by bird flu will remain the biggest threat to dog food over the forecast period. If consumers cannot find their preferred brand on retail shelves, they may switch back to feeding their dogs on scraps. This would have a negative impact on dog food as a whole. To overcome the problems associated with import restrictions, it is possible that some multinational players will follow the example of Effem and set up production facilities in India. Relatively high unit prices could also hamper the development of dog food. Moreover, since many Indians are wary of consuming packaged and processed food themselves, they may also be reluctant to purchase prepared food products for their pets.
·         Average unit prices in dog food are expected to grow at a CAGR of 2% in constant value terms over the forecast period. The upward movement will continue to be driven by rising production, transport and raw material costs, as well as a gradual trend towards more expensive functional and added-value products. New launches of more specialised products by leading players like Effem and increasing segmentation in dog food as a whole will also push prices up.
·         The Pedigree Professional range, which was launched at the start of 2008, is expected to perform well over the forecast period as more owners become aware that their dogs may have specific nutritional requirements depending on their breed, size and age. Rising demand for Pedigree Professional products should help Effem to strengthen its position in mid-priced dog food. Midwestern's Propett, launched in 2007, is also expected to fare well, as the company already has a well established distribution network for its Pro Pac brand. It also has valuable experience in marketing dog food, maintaining close relationships with breeders, vets and pet shop owners so that they will recommend its products to consumers.
·         Over the forecast period, small dogs are expected to become more popular with people residing in big cities, where houses and apartments are usually too small to accommodate large breeds. Moreover, children and women are increasingly expected to opt for smaller dogs because of their friendlier appearance and the perception that they are easier to care for. Most people living in larger houses, small towns and rural areas will continue to prefer large dogs for security reasons.
·         The demand for standard premium and super-premium dog food brands is expected to pick up over the forecast period. However, this will depend on whether or not and for how long restrictions on pet food imports from countries affected by bird flu remain in place. The economy segment, which is largely unaffected by import restrictions, should continue to develop at a faster pace.

Sector Indicators

% households
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Households owning a dog                           2.7                  2.7                  2.7                  2.8                  2.8                  2.9
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

'000s of animals
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Dog population                                      5,496.0          5,770.8          5,972.8          6,241.5          6,480.4          6,824.4
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% total consumption
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Prepared dog food                                        0.9                  1.0                  1.0                  1.1                  1.1                  1.2
Non-prepared dog food                             99.1                99.0                99.0                98.9                98.8                98.8
Total dog food                                           100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Sector Data

Rs million
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Dog food                                                     794.7              811.6              942.9          1,093.4          1,209.6          1,463.6
Wet dog food                                                  7.1                  8.1                  9.5                10.7                11.9                13.4
Dry dog food                                              628.2              623.4              728.1              846.6              923.8          1,133.9
Dog treats and mixers                              159.4              180.1              205.3              236.1              273.9              316.3
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% current value growth
                                                                                                             2007/08        2003-08 CAGR       2003/08 TOTAL

Dog food                                                                                                   21.0                            13.0                            84.2
Wet dog food                                                                                            12.6                            13.6                            88.8
Dry dog food                                                                                            22.7                            12.5                            80.5
Dog treats and mixers                                                                            15.5                            14.7                            98.5
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2003               2004               2005               2006               2007               2008

Premium dog food                                   180.0              122.6              148.3              175.2              201.5              241.8
- Premium wet dog food                                   -                       -                       -                       -                       -                       -
- Premium dry dog food                          180.0              122.6              148.3              175.2              201.5              241.8
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Store checks, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Company                                                                             2003               2004               2005               2006               2007

Effem India Pvt Ltd                                                             29.2                35.0                34.8                35.6                39.5
Ruskin Pet Products Pvt                                                     16.2                11.0                11.0                11.3                12.0
Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd                                                   10.0                  9.4                  9.1                  9.2                  9.7
Venky's India Ltd                                                                    3.1                  3.9                  3.1                  3.9                  4.4
Asian Diet Products Ltd                                                        3.4                  3.8                  3.5                  3.6                  4.0
Naughty Pet                                                                            2.4                  2.9                  2.6                  2.6                  2.7
Life Laboratories                                                                   1.8                  1.6                  1.5                  1.5                  1.4
Creative Pet Products Co                                                     1.2                  1.1                  1.3                  1.3                  1.4
Procter & Gamble Co, The                                                   1.1                  0.4                  1.2                  1.2                  1.3
Bento Kronen Products-                                                           -                       -                  0.5                  0.6                  0.7
    Versele Laga                                                                                                                                                                           
Midwestern Pet Foods Inc                                                    7.3                  4.6                  6.2                  5.7                  0.4
Purina Pet Care India                                                           0.8                  1.5                  1.6                  1.1                       -
    Pvt Ltd                                                                                                                                                                                       
Private Label                                                                          1.6                  1.6                  1.5                  1.5                  1.6
Others                                                                                    21.8                23.4                22.0                20.9                21.1
Total                                                                                     100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2004               2005               2006               2007

Pedigree                                       Effem India Pvt Ltd                             20.4                20.2                20.7                22.7
Pedigree Puppy                           Effem India Pvt Ltd                             14.6                14.6                14.9                16.8
Royal Canin                                  Ruskin Pet Products Pvt                       8.7                  8.7                  9.0                  9.5
Nutripet                                          Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd                     6.9                  7.0                  7.1                  7.7
Royal                                              Venky's India Ltd                                    3.8                  3.1                  3.8                  4.3
Stylam Choostix                          Asian Diet Products Ltd                        3.8                  3.5                  3.6                  4.0
Naughty Pups                              Naughty Pet                                            2.9                  2.6                  2.6                  2.7
Nutribix                                          Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd                     2.4                  2.2                  2.2                  1.9
Probisk                                          Life Laboratories                                   1.6                  1.5                  1.5                  1.4
Happy Dog                                   Creative Pet Products Co                     1.1                  1.3                  1.3                  1.4
Eukanuba                                     Procter & Gamble Co, The                   0.4                  1.2                  1.2                  1.3
Bento                                             Bento Kronen Products-                           -                  0.5                  0.6                  0.7
                                                        Versele Laga                                                                                                                       
Pro Pac                                          Midwestern Pet Foods Inc                    4.6                  6.2                  5.7                  0.4
Dog Chow                                     Purina Pet Care India                           1.5                  1.6                  1.1                       -
                                                        Pvt Ltd                                                                                                                                   
Private label                                                                                                    1.6                  1.5                  1.5                  1.6
Others                                                                                                            25.8                24.4                23.4                23.6
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% retail value rsp
Brand                                             Company                                             2004               2005               2006               2007

Stylam Choostix                          Asian Diet Products Ltd                      17.0                16.0                16.5                17.5
Pedigree                                       Effem India Pvt Ltd                             16.0                15.0                15.0                15.0
Naughty Pups                              Naughty Pet                                          13.0                12.0                12.0                12.0
Nutribix Economy                        Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd                     7.0                  7.0                  7.0                  6.5
Probisk                                          Life Laboratories                                   7.0                  7.0                  7.0                  6.0
Happy Dog                                   Creative Pet Products Co                     5.0                  6.0                  6.0                  6.0
Nutribix Dog Rolls                       Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd                     4.0                  3.0                  3.0                  2.0
Private label                                                                                                    7.0                  7.0                  7.0                  7.0
Others                                                                                                            24.0                27.0                26.5                28.0
Total                                                                                                             100.0              100.0              100.0              100.0
Source:           Trade associations, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

Rs million
                                                                       2008               2009               2010               2011               2012               2013

Dog food                                                 1,463.6          1,684.6          1,902.5          2,118.7          2,325.6          2,515.8
Wet dog food                                                13.4                14.7                16.1                17.6                19.2                20.8
Dry dog food                                           1,133.9          1,314.0          1,487.8          1,656.6          1,813.1          1,949.9
Dog treats and mixers                              316.3              355.9              398.6              444.4              493.3              545.1
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates

% constant value growth
                                                                                                            2008-13 CAGR                                 2008/13 TOTAL

Dog food                                                                                                               11.4                                                      71.9
Wet dog food                                                                                                          9.3                                                      56.0
Dry dog food                                                                                                        11.5                                                      72.0
Dog treats and mixers                                                                                        11.5                                                      72.3
Source:           Official statistics, Trade associations, Trade press, Company research, Trade interviews, Euromonitor International estimates