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Tuesday 29 April 2014

Diagnostic ultrasound Market

Diagnostic ultrasound Market

Radiology ultrasound

The phrase “radiology ultrasound” refers only to standard ultrasound equipment located within the radiology department of a hospital for primary diagnostic purpose. The term “radiology” in radiology ultrasound does not imply that there are dedicated ultrasound units that employ radiation to acquire images. In the past this has led to some confusion as to whether ultrasound equipment utilizes sound waves or some form of radiation. All imaging modalities except ultrasound employ some form of radioactive source and all equipment for primary diagnosis is located in the radiology department. While ultrasound is also a primary diagnosis tool, physicians and technicians commonly use the phrase “radiology ultrasound” merely to denote that the ultrasound equipment located in the radiology department.
Radiology ultrasound (sometimes known as general ultrasound) is recommended by physicians for assessing the abnormal conditions of internal organs such as biliary tissues, liver, spleen, abdomen, and pancreas. For specific cases, the standard ultrasound is also helpful in determining malignant cells of the abdomen, tumors associated with the pancreas and colon, and assessing stomach pain and other acute pain in the body. Hospitals across the globe have installed bases for the general ultrasound machines, but given their limited diagnostic capabilities, the market for radiology ultrasound has reached a saturation point with sales growth registering less than 2% in 2010 globally. Business Insights believes that the sales of modern ultrasound equipment having organ-specific imaging capability will over shadow the sales of general ultrasound equipment.

Cardiology ultrasound

Cardiology ultrasound, also known as echocardiography, is the primary diagnostic tool for assessing heart characteristics. Most hospitals and diagnostic clinics globally perform echocardiography in their facility. One of the drawbacks of the cardiology ultrasound is its price, which ranges from $150,000 to $250,000. Owing to the impact of the economic recession in 2008, many hospitals were budget-constrained and favored the purchase of low to medium priced ultrasound equipment. Therefore the sales of cardiology ultrasound equipment dropped in the last three years. This, combined with the influence of low-cost ultrasound manufacturers from Asia (China in particular), affected the growth rates of cardiology ultrasound. However, the important thing to note is that cardiology ultrasound is a vital resource in hospitals, offering accurate diagnosis for heart disorders in comparison with other modalities. Business Insights predicts that the sale of cardiology ultrasound will rise again in 2011 and beyond, sustaining its global growth rate of 3–4%. The reasons Business Insights expects the cardiology ultrasound market to bounce back in sales are as follows:
  • Most of the nations are out of recession, which is particularly noticeable in parts of Europe and Japan, where hospital budget constraints have been lifted and medical imaging manufacturers are offering attractive purchasing options to hospitals using high-end cardiology ultrasound.
  • The emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China are for the first time investing in high-end product purchases owing to restructured government healthcare initiatives and construction of new hospital facilities.
  • The adoption of information technology (IT) enabled healthcare services such as Picture Archives and Communication System (PACS) and Cardiology Information System (CIS) in large hospitals and research universities is accentuating medical image diagnosis. Cardiology ultrasound is one sector that benefits highly from such clinical systems.

Obstetrics/Gynecology (OB/GYN) ultrasound

Women’s healthcare initiatives promoted by the government and ultrasound companies are among the major drivers for innovations and increased adoption of OB/GYN ultrasound. This segment experienced high growth of 8–12% in terms of ultrasound sales during 2003–2006, particularly in the US and Europe, as prominent features were available on the ultrasound machines that enhanced diagnosis in women’s health. However, since 2007 the growth rate of OB/GYN ultrasound has been moderate, ranging from 3–5% in developed economies such as Europe, the US, and Japan, and 6–8% in emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia.
Advances in image post-processing software have significantly aided the OB/GYN ultrasound segment by allowing radiologists and obstetricians to make better decisions by reducing the probability for false positive diagnosis. Other advances aiding women’s healthcare are the availability of 3D and 4D technology in ultrasound. The 3D feature provides full volumetric image of an internal organ or tissue either in color or black and white. 4D imaging is also like the 3D image feature, with the added benefit of allowing the physician to view the image in real-time, whereby the movement or functioning of the internal organ is shown on the display monitor. In other words, 4D imaging can also be referred to as dynamic 3D imaging. The 3D/4D feature is available on most of the modern ultrasound machines and its applications are widely used by the OB/GYN department.
The 3D/4D feature is widely employed in the OB/GYN department for diagnosing skeletal dysplasia, placental abnormalities, endometrial hyperplasia, pelvic pathologies, fetal biopsies, fetal heart evaluations, and the existence of tumors (combined with contrast media). One of the drawbacks is the lack of standardization for 3D/4D features coming from various manufacturers because the user-interface, functionality, and targeted organ displays are different. Business Insights is of the opinion that standardization in 3D/4D features would increase ultrasound purchases because the operator need not meticulously maneuver the 3D image acquisition probe (unlike a 2D probe) and it would also allow the learning syllabus be harmonized, thereby improving the ability of ultrasound technicians to operate equipment at its full potential.

Surgical ultrasound

Surgical ultrasound is extensively used in the operating room (OR) for its ability to visualize internal organs, tissues, and veins at the best clarity. The surgical ultrasound equipment assists physicians, nurses, and anesthesiologists who map for vascular insertions and examine blood flow in vessels. It also assists vascular surgeons by clearly providing images of varicose veins in real time. These machines also quantify the location of anatomical structures, detect complex joints during surgeries, and evaluate intra-abdominal and intrathoracic fluid during preoperative assessment. Before the introduction of surgical ultrasound, vascular ultrasound machines were used in operating rooms and they cost over $200,000. The introduction of transcranial Doppler (TCD) technology has replaced vascular ultrasound systems in surgical operations. The TCD assesses intracranial circulation during surgery to assist physicians during cerebral perfusion. Laparoscopic ultrasound and TCD are also considered as surgical ultrasound equipment that finds many applications during surgery.
Surgical ultrasound has triggered the new wave of innovations in ultrasound. Owing to its versatility, it has been quickly adopted by some western European countries. Nations such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Belgium are known to adopt new medical technology faster that other nations. However, the lack of qualified operating staff is a major hindrance to the application of surgical ultrasound systems. As noted previously regarding the OG/GYN ultrasound system with advanced 3D/4D features, surgical ultrasound machines do not have a proper standardization in place, and existing ultrasound staff and physicians in hospitals have to devote many training hours in addition to their daily duties to learn the functionalities of surgical ultrasound.
One of the major drivers for the surgical ultrasound segment is the adoption of laparoscopic ultrasound machines. Minimally invasive surgeries, such as laparoscopic surgery, have been rising sharply over the last five to seven years. The recovery time is quicker for the patients, there are fewer scar marks on the body in comparison with traditional surgical methods, and the patient also incurs lower hospital service costs owing to faster discharge from the hospital. Additionally, laparoscopic ultrasound is used for tumor and biliary stone detection, parenchymal evaluations, and executing pancreatic biopsies. With the aid of contrast media, laparoscopic ultrasound is also used for other biopsies and characterization of liver lesions. The overall outlook for the surgical ultrasound market looks positive with increased adoption from 2011 because these systems are portable and hospitals consider equipment portability as worthy investment.

Urology ultrasound

With a rise in the elderly population globally, particularly in the North American and European regions, urology ultrasound is a high-growth segment because in addition to the hospitals many private clinics have a high need for this technology. Urology ultrasound is used for the assessment and evaluation of kidneys, the bladder, prostate glands, and testicles, and for conducting brachytherapy. The advantages associated with urology ultrasound include:
  • low cost
  • portability
  • no requirement for specialized training for ultrasound technicians
  • availability of advanced post-processing software for urology application to enable better diagnosis.

Musculoskeletal ultrasound

As the name implies, musculoskeletal ultrasound is used for acquiring images of muscles, joints, tendons, and soft tissues to detect fractures, muscle tears, bone dislocations, and lumps. An area where this technology finds greatest application is sports medicine, where it is used by physiotherapists and orthopedic surgeons. The uniqueness of this technology lies in its probe design, whereby a series of transducers are arranged linearly within the probe to specifically operate from 7–12MHz. This frequency range is supposedly ideal for visualizing bone joints and muscles. In the last three to five years, introduction of 3D features to this ultrasound has increased its adoption rates. However, as noted before, the adoption growth rates of musculoskeletal ultrasound is low (less than 3%) because of a lack of standardization for its advanced functionalities that require intensive training for even the most qualified ultrasound technicians. Because of this reason, the adoption of musculoskeletal ultrasound is mostly limited to private hospitals and sports medicine clinics.

Endoscopic ultrasound

Endoscopic ultrasound is used for tumor diagnosis associated with the throat, abdomen, and colon and for evaluating submucosal lesions in intestines. This ultrasound is in its nascent stage and owing to its niche diagnostic abilities very few hospitals have purchased this machine because prices range from $80,000 to $100,000. This, combined with the fact that there is hardly any reimbursement for procedures done with such machines, renders them as a non-viable investment for many hospitals. In the North American region, endoscopic ultrasound is used in large metropolitan hospitals, private hospitals specializing in specific surgeries, and medical research universities. In Europe, only those geographies that are known to quickly adopt new technology, such as Scandinavia and Benelux, have purchased endoscopic ultrasound in their hospitals, benefiting from their government’s high investments in healthcare budgets. According to Business Insight’s analysis, the global market for endoscopic ultrasound was less than $30m in 2010.